Badland's vs Kuiu for best elk huntin pack

I can honestly say I haven't laughed this hard since the Manscaping thread WHIPSNAKE LMAO
Comes down to what fits your needs really. Alot of great pack companys out there, I think the top five are probably Stone Glacier, Mystery Ranch, EXO, Kifaru and Initial Ascent.
I'm no retailer, online shop or dealer.... but have sold a few of my packs over the years. Just a hunter for the last 55 of 65 years.
Packs I've sold: Stone Glacier, Eberlestock, Badlands, Mystery Ranch. I did like a X2 for daypack hunting from truck.

Packs-brand that I will keep until I die: Kifaru (Reckoning, 22Mag 2nd G, 14'R<for now?> and Tailgunner <fishing pack>.
best frame/pack interchangeable system I've ever used. BTW: packed deer & elk meat every year since 2009 and many years prior but not every year.