Backpacking Spotter

I agree with everything.

I would add that I dont know any hunter around here that doesn’t use 12 or 15x binos to catch animals in the shadows or standing up to move. And, out past a mile. Spotters get pulled out after animals are spotted.

Did it just yesterday with a buddy, and I glassed up a buck at 2300 yards with 15s. We’ve spotted game at miles if they are out in the open and it’s light. Being in glass for 8 hours a day, the binos get the nod above a spotter for glassing, for field of view, for stereo vision.

That’s why I asked for use of the spotter.
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Good words of wisdom. That’s also a great photo giving someone an idea of distance that is huntable with optics. It can be shocking to a hunter new to open country hunting that setting up that far away can be productive, but it is, and it doesn’t take all that long to move into position for a shot.

Here’s one of my favorite mermaids that calls to hunters and sucks days out of their hunt - every hunter on the side the picture is taken from looks across with a spotter and sees deer with antlers of some kind and human nature kicks in and they want to take a day to hunt it and get a closer look. I do have a good story of a big mulie taken from there, but even more stories from our side. As the crow flies it’s not far, but the passable game trails are 4 miles down to the bottom of the drainage, then another three or four miles up the only decent trail into that place. Everyone seems to try it once no matter what you tell ‘em, wastes a day getting over there, sees a few mediocre bucks, another day getting back, then they’re wiped out and half ass for another day. *chuckle*
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I bought the 16s to try. They are amazing for quick handholding during daylight. I loved them for that. If I never stopped to use a tripod, I would find a use for them. The IS tech is very cool.

I really want IS and LRF with alpha glass in a package, lol.

They don’t compare to 15/18s on a tripod all day or in low light conditions.

The limitations are the objective size and money put into the electronics compared to glass.

They are two different products with some crossover.
That is what I assumed. I would think the better optic would largely depend on what your primary type of hunting is. For me, the majority of my time is spent in small broken terrain, to spend all day behind glass from one location would be foolishness. Moving from one break to another is much more effective for spotting game since there is little to no master vantage points. This is where IS excels. I should clarify that I'm hunting mule deer in this terrain so a spotter and tripod are always with me as well. I also think for bear and elk, it's nice to ditch the tripod and spotter all together (which i would never do without IS).
Here's my 2 cents. I've owned Nikon's ED50 with fixed 27X wide angle lens for the last 15 years. Superb optics, lightweight at maybe a pound, glorious field of view, and great to use. However, you need a tripod and can't use both eyes.

When I bought 15x56 Swaros, I carried the Nikon much less. While heavier, it beats any similar-sized spotter purely because you use both eyes. The resolution you gain with both eyes is astonishing. With a tripod, the total weight is close to a lightweight rifle, so that sucks.

Honestly, after using SIG's ZULU6 HDX Pro 14x50s this season, I too am rethinking my glassing game. Image stabilization is miraculous and makes me a far better hunter. True, the glass isn't great, but the technology elevates it above anything else I've used.

For your purposes, I'd look hard at a higher-power image stabilized binocular. They don't weigh or cost a ton, and the fact that you can leave the tripod at home saves a bunch of weight/bulk/hassle. If you're set on a spotter, don't buy an entry-level unit. You will be disappointed.
That is what I assumed. I would think the better optic would largely depend on what your primary type of hunting is. For me, the majority of my time is spent in small broken terrain, to spend all day behind glass from one location would be foolishness. Moving from one break to another is much more effective for spotting game since there is little to no master vantage points. This is where IS excels. I should clarify that I'm hunting mule deer in this terrain so a spotter and tripod are always with me as well. I also think for bear and elk, it's nice to ditch the tripod and spotter all together (which i would never do without IS).
100% IS for that. I’d also say it is good for something like Alaska where you are always moving and game stands out in the tundra.
Here's my 2 cents. I've owned Nikon's ED50 with fixed 27X wide angle lens for the last 15 years. Superb optics, lightweight at maybe a pound, glorious field of view, and great to use. However, you need a tripod and can't use both eyes.

When I bought 15x56 Swaros, I carried the Nikon much less. While heavier, it beats any similar-sized spotter purely because you use both eyes. The resolution you gain with both eyes is astonishing. With a tripod, the total weight is close to a lightweight rifle, so that sucks.

Honestly, after using SIG's ZULU6 HDX Pro 14x50s this season, I too am rethinking my glassing game. Image stabilization is miraculous and makes me a far better hunter. True, the glass isn't great, but the technology elevates it above anything else I've used.

For your purposes, I'd look hard at a higher-power image stabilized binocular. They don't weigh or cost a ton, and the fact that you can leave the tripod at home saves a bunch of weight/bulk/hassle. If you're set on a spotter, don't buy an entry-level unit. You will be disappointed.
I had the OG IS and I think as tech evolves it will improve. The Pro version has better glass and larger objectives too.
Good words of wisdom. That’s also a great photo giving someone an idea of distance that is huntable with optics. It can be shocking to a hunter new to open country hunting that setting up that far away can be productive, but it is, and it doesn’t take all that long to move into position for a shot.

Here’s one of my favorite mermaids that calls to hunters and sucks days out of their hunt - every hunter on the side the picture is taken from looks across with a spotter and sees deer with antlers of some kind and human nature kicks in and they want to take a day to hunt it and get a closer look. I do have a good story of a big mulie taken from there, but even more stories from our side. As the crow flies it’s not far, but the passable game trails are 4 miles down to the bottom of the drainage, then another three or four miles up the only decent trail into that place. Everyone seems to try it once no matter what you tell ‘em, wastes a day getting over there, sees a few mediocre bucks, another day getting back, then they’re wiped out and half ass for another day. *chuckle*
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In AZ, there’s usually and unfortunately a road or two or three to get you a mile or two closer…
Good words of wisdom. That’s also a great photo giving someone an idea of distance that is huntable with optics. It can be shocking to a hunter new to open country hunting that setting up that far away can be productive, but it is, and it doesn’t take all that long to move into position for a shot.

Here’s one of my favorite mermaids that calls to hunters and sucks days out of their hunt - every hunter on the side the picture is taken from looks across with a spotter and sees deer with antlers of some kind and human nature kicks in and they want to take a day to hunt it and get a closer look. I do have a good story of a big mulie taken from there, but even more stories from our side. As the crow flies it’s not far, but the passable game trails are 4 miles down to the bottom of the drainage, then another three or four miles up the only decent trail into that place. Everyone seems to try it once no matter what you tell ‘em, wastes a day getting over there, sees a few mediocre bucks, another day getting back, then they’re wiped out and half ass for another day. *chuckle*
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Quit spying on me. Pretty sure I was one of those guys.
I never bought the original purely because of the small size (horrible ergos) and the small objective (poor light transmission)
I am a sucker to try something new, lol. Bought it off eBay and sold it for the same amount, just paid shipping as a “rental fee.”

If I had unlimited money, I would buy the 16 Pro for the scenarios where it excels.
I was all in on mini spotter, light tripod and 8x42’s on the chest. I bought the new 16x50 HDX pros, and initially wasn’t blown away. I actually listened them in classifieds after a couple days of testing. I then took them on my last two hunts of the year to save weight.
They ended up being very valuable. The last hunt was a lot of animals in a basin under 2k yards that I spent 5 days in, and the Sigs straight up spot animals. It’s pretty amazing to just turn your head and shoulders to glass a different hillside at 16x without moving a tripod to readjust. They are a few ounces lighter than a spotter, and you lose the tripod weight. Low light is still not great but that’s what the 8’s are for. Just my experience.
I’d go with the Razor 13-39, I did some testing with it and was very impressed. Sometimes on long hikes I really wish I went that route instead of the 85mm haha.

I don’t archery hunt the high country but it’s an invaluable tool for me while scouting, and even more so while hunting . Get an eye patch and learn how to effectively glass with a spotter. I’ll never hunt deer without one again

In AZ, there’s usually and unfortunately a road or two or three to get you a mile or two closer…
I can sense it’s drawing you in. . . Lol

Funny story why scouting that area one August was the last time I ever scouted without a gun. At the end of summer I was in good shape and a cloudy misty maybe foggy day decided to cruise up there quickly, the sun would burn off the clouds and I’d be in position to see every animal up there. I’m on top and it’s all small broken shale without any dirt to speak of, and the clouds aren’t going away - in fact it’s pea soup and visibility is maybe 30 to 40 yards.

I sit for while in the dead quiet, hoping things will open up, then there’s a foot step in the shale just out of sight and upwind. I’m exciting, hoping to see a mature deer, then it dawns on me it could be a sow and cub. It’s not a heavily used grizzly area, but they pass through. After another few minutes of thought it was better to slowly slip away. For all I know it was another dude with the same idea to get up there early. lol

Nikon ED50 with the 27x lens on eBay.
I’ve often wondered about that scope - it’s one of the few small light ones. eBay prices around $400 make it quite affordable.
Thanks I will look that direction!
It’s that time of year guys will stop buying as many gun and hunting things on eBay the week before and week after Christmas. On what should have been a $200 item, I was the only person bidding Christmas Eve.

Any money saved on the spotter should go into the tripod. A cheaper spotter on a solid tripod will see better than the best spotter on a flimsy tripod that moves all over in a slight breeze. With tripods, money buys light weight and stability in the wind.
Good words of wisdom. That’s also a great photo giving someone an idea of distance that is huntable with optics. It can be shocking to a hunter new to open country hunting that setting up that far away can be productive, but it is, and it doesn’t take all that long to move into position for a shot.
Wait a sec - Are you sure there's deer there?