I know a guy that runs a string on the ground making a circle around his tent about ten foot out and sprays the string at night before going to bed. He sprays it with a mixture of bleach, ammonia, and cayenne pepper extract. He sprays the string directly so he knows exactly where to step over when entering and exiting the area so he doesn't get it on his boots. I thought that sounded like a good idea to me. The guy has been hunting in grizzly country his whole life and he uses this routine religiously. Now I am wondering if it is as great of an idea as it sounded.
I should spray down one of our carcasses next year and see how long it holds off the bears.
We tried it at our base camp this last year around the back of our cook tent as the cook tent backed up to a bunch of willows and a creek bottom, but I have no idea if it worked as our trucks were parked on the other side and was probably a relatively big deterant.....lol