Backpack "creeking" noises.


Aug 12, 2020
One thing that drives me nuts about my pack is that it makes a lot of creeking noises as I move. I assume it's just straps rubbing on straps and so on but it gets annoying when you are trying to hunt dark timber and every time you move your pack makes a noise which more than anything just distracts you from other natural noises that may be going on at the same time. Does anyone else notice this and has anyone figured out how to fix it? Wondering of maybe some talc on the straps where they are layered over each other and so on would fix it?
No more than normal. I completely disassemble my pack, belt, shoulder straps for a deep clean at least once a year and you’ll be surprised how much debris you find. I’ve used wax for over a decade on several brand of packs and see no downside.

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Ahh, didn’t even think of bow wax, have a ton of that, going to give it a try. Have you basically been covering all of your straps or has it been trial and error hitting a few spots here and there until everything quiets down?
I put wax and some medical tape on mine to quiet it down. The kind of tape a you might wrap a cast with. Powdered graphite works some but is messy and doesn't last.