Backcountry Bear Defense

I own the M&P 2.0 40 and love it. I was trying to get a sub-compact because of weight. I like the XD-M, but every local shop around me is marking it up.

Also, I read some where the hard cast ammo don't do well with Glock's.
Ammo is everything in this case, I use Buffalo Bore Outdoorsman in my Glock 10mm. Ammo for self defense is not what you are looking for, you need penetration.
Love it! I have the 22, 9, and 10 M&P pistols. The geometry and grip feel has always been my favorite over Glock and others. The 10mm is my do all pistol that I put a light and red dot on. First time using either and I was surprised how accurate I was with it.

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That's the set up I'd like to have good looking gun! I've shot quite a few and I really liked the grip on that 2.0

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I was leaning toward a Glock 10mm but went a little different direction. My local shop happened to have a used Glock 21, .45 cal, on the shelf when I went in. I picked it up and purchased a .460 Rowland conversion for it. I loaded it up with 250 grain hard cast lead dangerous game loads. I have a few other Glocks and am comfortable with them and I feel no different with this setup. It shoots good and I can still shoot .45 rounds through it for practice. the .460 rounds are a little pricey!
I'm working with the sitka harness. I removed the right side pouch and put my safariland retention holster on there w the als fork. I like having the holster right there, some don't like the draw angle, but it seems to work well for me. I imagine many pals holsters would work there. Keeps it tight on my body too. I plan to add a qls adapter, so I can click it off and move it to the belt w just a small extra piece.

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I carry a Glock 20 in a razco holster attached to the bottom of my bino harness(fhf gear). I tried carrying in on my pants belt, and the waist belt on my pack, but neither were comfortable/functional for me. The razco holster fit perfectly for what I needed.
Buying a glock is rarely the wrong answer to personal defense questions. G20 fan here although I don’t spend a ton of time in griz country (sadly). The 29 is a handful with powerful loads. I shoot a 20 better. Weight difference is minimal.