Back Surgery


Dec 10, 2016
Pittsburgh PA
I have some back issues that have really been hindering my progress the last couple years. Not much I have tried as far as training, chiropractic, acupuncture, and other noninvasive procedures have helped. Surgery is coming up soon where I will have a spinal fusion at the L4-L5-S1 joints. Just wondering how many of you have undergone this type of surgery and how long it took you to recover and make it back to the backcountry.
Friend of mine fought it for years. Several failed surgeries. Finally went to Germany and had disc replacement. He is doing fantastic. Apparently another one of the things the FDA is holding up. Reportedly Payton Manning and thousands of others have gone there. I can get the link if you wish. Spendy for sure since insurance will not cover.
Thank you. I couldn't afford something like that. But I'm going to do everything I can now pre and post surgery to heal the best i possibly can. I have already expressed concern with my dr about returning to backpacking through extremely rough and unforgiving terrain, and he has a very high outlook as he himself enjoys backpacking, though he is not a hunter. But he has a good understanding of what I'm trying to return too.
I had surgery at the L4/5 for a ruptured disc, bulged discs above and below that were left as is, for the time being.

The surgery was what they call a discectomy/laminectomy, no fusion.

It's been 14 years since surgery. I can do most things, but there are limits, have to use good judgement. Flare-ups can be painful for weeks/months.
I was told by numerous Drs that surgery is now my last option. With no disc material left in those joints now the facet joints are extremely worn and there are bone spurs forming pushing on nerves. There is nothing left to repair, and was told by numerous neurosurgeons that disc replace,ent in the lumbar region is not nearly as effective as in the cervical region. Not gonna lie, nervous about doing this surgery, but I've been talking with a couple people and I'm altering my diet and doing what core trading I can now to make recovery as easily as possible. I'm an average middle aged male, not out of shape at all but a physical specimen by no means. Lol. Just curious to see and hear from others that have the same interests as me and how they cope with doing them now.
Good luck hope everything goes well. I know the feeling about leaving the back country for a while.