Well I was on a quest for a really nice muley and it just didn't happen. A couple of days into the hunt I slipped a disk in my back. It was so painful I got dizzy and lost my breath. Luckily it happened while I was at my truck but it took a while to try and get into truck to drive 3 hours home. I stopped at my friend's place in Panaca and his mom gave me something "good" for the pain to get home because I didn't know if I could make it. I called my chiropractor and said I will be there 30 minutes before he closed (2.5 hour drive). Rolled in and needed help getting out of truck and on table. As I took the pain, he adjusted it into place. Needing help off the table and into truck I drove 10 minutes home. My wife was waiting with ice and a cold beer. She had to untie my shoes and I made it to the shower and to the couch. The next day (Sat) I went to UMC Urgent Care only to be reminded what a joke the place is for medical help. They gave me tramadol, robaxin and naproxen after I told them on the scale 1-10 I was an 8. No xrays no nothing I walked out and disgustingly said I give my dog tramadol for a cut pad. So I made an appointment with my regular doctor on Monday morning. Got in and he hit me with two shots, Lortab 10's and a Medrol pack for inflammation. After 10 days and two more chiro visits I left to hunt again although my doctor warned I shouldn't because re-injuring would cause serious problems. I couldn't get after it like I wanted and was never able to spot the biggun in the dense cover. I passed on several nice bucks and realized I don't like the taste of tag soup. On the second to final day, I saw a nice 170+ class buck and setup on him for the evening hunt. Just when the deer where coming down the draw, a UTV with some folks comes out of nowhere and stops on the other side (didn't know there was a path). They looked at me and I waved them off. The ducked back and then I heard a shot. The &$^&*^) tried to shoot one of the smaller bucks right out from underneath me. They missed and the 4x4 ran over and was coming right at me. Knowing they could watch the whole thing I put the crosshairs on his throat at 150 yards downhill and dropped him like a napsack full of nickels in his tracks. The guy looked at me through his binos and I smiled letting him know he was number one. So that was the hunt in a nutshell. One of the most disappointing hunts and experiences I've ever had but I kept things in perspective because it was all still better than going to work. If I get lucky, I will give it a crack with the bow next year which is preferred. I know his summer spots and water is my friend.
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