Avery vs. JvB - Podcast Back and Forths

Just another thing that crossed my mind for some reason....perhaps the most ridiculous thing jvb says is to use a bore snake on remote hunts.

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I agree. Never ever crossed my mind as a thing to bring. Seems like packing for fears to me.
I listened to it, it wasn't good. Nathan Foster is a ballistic expert , I guess, but I've read some articles and a couple books too. That's about as much expertise I garnered from the podcast. Men now are soft, they don't enjoy carrying 10 pound rifles and heavy recoil, like men should. Any shooter with enough practice and determination should come to love the 338 win mag and heavy bullets, which is what is needed for Sambar stag( cow elk sized game). Heck he witnessed a goat( farm variety) take a 223 60gr soft point in the ham, and the animal didn't seem to notice , so it's too small. That's my criticism with a good dose of sarcasm.
Now for the part that makes me scratch my head. JVB is a good writer, I don't mind and even enjoy his articles, but the podcast is not comparable in quality. There is a point I this episode where he talks about editors adding to the accuracy of his articles, but the point is completely lost on him. He's obviously intelligent, but man he's got some blind spots. I think he's holding onto what he's always aspired to as a standard of performance. It's hard to change course, admit that what you know might not be the end all of knowledge.
A part of me wants to ridicule him for it, because it is actually annoying, but I've got some blind spots too that I hope to become aware of in the future.

My 2 cents
He’s just another dude with an agenda and has over committed to the point of no return, so here we are.

There is no way he can change course now, so he has to keep riding the train he’s on, if he were to become objective now, his credibility would be questioned by his own audience, so he’s stuck
He’s just another dude with an agenda and has over committed to the point of no return, so here we are.

There is no way he can change course now, so he has to keep riding the train he’s on, if he were to become objective now, his credibility would be questioned by his own audience, so he’s stuck
You are so wrong. If you knew anything you would know in fact that Nathan Foster is an "expert" in terminal ballistics. Has conduct a lot of research. Has published extensively regarding his finding. He has conduct studies for the military and law enforcement. If you read and listen to him you will find that he sounds virtually identical to Form when it comes to what different bullets do and how they kill animals. Foster simply draws different conclusions than Form. He simply likes big bullets because the proper bullet has the potential to render more damage than the proper small bullet. Put him in the category of there is no such thing as to dead. He thinks the bigger the bullet the more humane the kill. Everyone is entitled to their personal view on this.

The antidotal stories of the goat thing was more about just because its small doesn't mean you can shoot it better. The men need to be men and learn how to shoot big bores I think is a reflection of his age more than anything.

Now JVB..... Don't know what's up with him but he clearly doesn't have the depth of experience that Form or Foster have. But I'd be willing to bet he has more experience killing animals than 90% of the people on this forum.
Was there a lot of whallop-talk?!?!?

There is an irony here. JvB ridiculed for "whallop" talking about bullet performance, but non-stop "womp" talk on the suppressor thread. Neither sound (pun intended) real grounded in science or hard data to be sure.

I'm gathering that's okay for suppressors, but not bullets. I'll let you draw your own conclusions as to the difference.
There is an irony here. JvB ridiculed for "whallop" talking about bullet performance, but non-stop "womp" talk on the suppressor thread. Neither sound (pun intended) real grounded in science or hard data to be sure.

I'm gathering that's okay for suppressors, but not bullets. I'll let you draw your own conclusions as to the difference.
My cat jumps when I drop a fork in the sink, therefore, "womp" better, just think about it ;)