Australia Roadtrip Recommendations

Feb 17, 2021
Hey Roksliders,

My wife and I are heading to Australia for a month, leaving in a few weeks. We are planning on renting a van/camper and doing a roadtrip up the east coast, ending up around Cairns. I am very interested in spearfishing and less so hunting opportunities along the way. Anyone on here have any recommendation for charters or guides to get onto some spots, or just any good spots to hit up on that drive? The amount of information on this route on the internet is like drinking out of a firehose, so i was just wondering if anyone had some more specific recommendations.

Thanks in advance!
My wife and I did this in 2018, started in Sydney and ended in Cairns in a camper van. I didn't do any hunting or fishing while we were there due to time constraints, but there is a ton of cool outdoors stuff to do on the way.

I would recommend the Whitsundays/Great Barrier Reef, Fraser Island, Daintree National Park, Eungella National Park, and Seal Rocks/Sugarloaf Point Lighthouse. There are also a bunch of cool small towns up and down the coast that I would have liked to spend a little more time in if we had the chance.

There are a couple of folks on Rokslide from down there, hopefully they can chime in and hook you up with some hunting and fishing.
Spent some time in Cairns many years ago. The costal road north of there is very scenic. Enjoyed some “surf” fishing there. Beautiful place. No guide recommendation. Keep your eyes pealed for those saltwater crocs mate!
My wife and I did this in 2018, started in Sydney and ended in Cairns in a camper van. I didn't do any hunting or fishing while we were there due to time constraints, but there is a ton of cool outdoors stuff to do on the way.

I would recommend the Whitsundays/Great Barrier Reef, Fraser Island, Daintree National Park, Eungella National Park, and Seal Rocks/Sugarloaf Point Lighthouse. There are also a bunch of cool small towns up and down the coast that I would have liked to spend a little more time in if we had the chance.

There are a couple of folks on Rokslide from down there, hopefully they can chime in and hook you up with some hunting and fishing.
Thanks for the reply and recommendations! how long did you spend in the country, and how long did you stretch the one way drive over?
where are you starting from?

Central and north Queensland has just had a huge rain event with widespread flooding. some weekly rainfall totals topped 1 metre of rain!
Diving visibility will be down due to floodwater runoff.

I'm sure there would be some spearfishing specific forum that may offer info.
where are you starting from?

Central and north Queensland has just had a huge rain event with widespread flooding. some weekly rainfall totals topped 1 metre of rain!
Diving visibility will be down due to floodwater runoff.

I'm sure there would be some spearfishing specific forum that may offer info.
We are flying into Sydney and starting form there. Thanks for the heads up
My wife and I did a road trip in 2019. stayed in hotels and air b&bs, Rainbow beach has a cool sand dune. Meet a local family boogie boarding down a hill. Really pretty. Did a 4x4 bus tour on Frazier island. The first stop was awesome, a lot of it was just a bumpy Ride. They offered a prop plane ride at the end, and people were getting far too close to a dingo. Cool zoo/wild animal park in brisbane- got to hold a koala. dense little buggers. Really liked noosa, could have spent more time there. Byron bay felt like Huntington Beach in Ca, would probably skip there in the future. Stayed at a really cool B&B in beechmont. Didn’t spent much time in Sydney- got a lot of rain at that point. we didn’t do any hunting/fishing, and were there I think 10 days. But would definitely go back. Good luck on your trip and lost some pictures when you get back!


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my wife and I did a road trip in 2019. stayed in hotels and air b&bs, Rainbow beach has a cool sand dune. Meet a local family boogie boarding down a hill. Really pretty. Did a 4x4 bus tour on Frazier island. The first stop was awesom, a lot of it was just a bumpy Ride. They offered a prop plane ride at the end, and people were getting far too close to a dingo. Cool zoo/wild animal park in brisbane- got to hold a koala. dense little buggers. Really liked noosa, could have spent more time there. Byron bay felt like Huntington Beach in Ca, would probably skip there in the future. Stayed at a really cool B&G in beechmont. Didn’t spent much time in Sydney- got a lot of rain at that point. we didn’t do any hunting/fishing, and were there I think 10 days. But would definitely go back. Good luck on your trip and lost some pictures when you get back!
Thanks for the advice! I think we have that Brisbane zoo on the agenda, is that the one that Steve Irwins family owns?? This all makes me want to get far too close to a dingo.
Thanks for the advice! I think we have that Brisbane zoo on the agenda, is that the one that Steve Irwins family owns?? This all makes me want to get far too close to a dingo.

We didn’t go to that one. I believe it was the lone pine koala sanctuary.
As for the dingos, they were cool, but I’m talking like 2’ away trying to pet the thing. they definitely didn’t have any fear of humans, walked right past us.
We didn’t go to that one. I believe it was the lone pine koala sanctuary.
As for the dingos, they were cool, but I’m talking like 2’ away trying to pet the thing. they definitely didn’t have any fear of humans, walked right past us.
The Australia zoo is the Irwin Family zoo. It’s in Beerwah, north of Brisbane. It is worth seeing. I really liked The Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve near there too, it’s more oriented to those with an interest in plants. I hitchhiked from Sydney to Port Douglas north of Cairns and back in 1986 and most recently sailed to Southport from Fiji.
G’day Nick,

I live in Cairns. It is an amazingly beautiful place.

It’s the wet season here at the moment, and as others have said, this region experiences rain in metres this time of year. But don’t let that deter you because the drive from Brisbane to Cairns along the Bruce Highway is one of the most scenic drives in the country. Especially from Mackay north.

Far north, Queensland has some of the best charter fishing in the country. You will do better if you stay away from the major towns- places like Port Douglas and Cooktown. I hope the south-easterly trade winds stay away for you. If you’re arriving late March early April you should be okay. Mind you it doesn’t seem to bother the dive boat operators. They seem to go all year round. I highly recommend a trip to the Great Barrier Reef.

Sorry I can’t help you with the spearfishing I’m not really into it - I’m yet to work out how you can drink beer underwater!

Have a great trip.