Looking to re home my thermal, ive only been able to get out maybe 5 times with it and it's never let me down. Being the 4-40x model it has all the magnification profiles of the other models, ballistic profiles, animal profiles, and tons of other customizable features. I did also buy the abl 1000yrd Bluetooth rangefinder for it as well as a qd single piece mount. Ran it on my christiansen mpr in 6.5 and it blew them yotes right down. Looking to sell outright or Trade for a sti, stacatto, tirarc or some other 2011 in 9mm (no prodigy). Would also possibly consider partical trades for 50bmg rated glass or custom shop cz75's and cash too. Cash price is $2650, trade value $2800. In total I spent just over 4k on everything and it's still like brand new.
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