I’m sure this varies State to state, and most scenarios are easily categorized. In my mind there’s some grey area, though. Two scenarios come to mind.
1. Hunt trip swap.
2. Friend of a friend, or somebody not immediately we’ll known, who agrees to mentor / participate / join for a hunt in exchange for his or her expenses being paid. The individual likely will have purchased his own license, tag, gear, but if a second individual picked up (for example) his food, hotel, airfare, but nothing above and beyond that… is he then “guiding?” I’m inclined to say no considering that he’s actively hunting as well, is not making a profit, is somewhat known to the second party.
1. Hunt trip swap.
2. Friend of a friend, or somebody not immediately we’ll known, who agrees to mentor / participate / join for a hunt in exchange for his or her expenses being paid. The individual likely will have purchased his own license, tag, gear, but if a second individual picked up (for example) his food, hotel, airfare, but nothing above and beyond that… is he then “guiding?” I’m inclined to say no considering that he’s actively hunting as well, is not making a profit, is somewhat known to the second party.