As a Juror, would you vote to convict someone that killed a wolf?

Let`s just pick the laws with which we personally agree to uphold, correct? This thread is in danger of spiraling out of control pronto. It will slip into the political instantaneously.
Agreed. I've often thought about how laws are interpreted on this forum. If someone posts and there's a hint that he broke an arbitrary game law (like taking a shot after legal light), the pitchforks come out. But if the rule is to report and pay your taxes (especially related to the new 1099 rule), there's a common response of "eff the gov't and stay out of my business!" I think the two examples are close (at least in my mind) - in the first the poster is taking a resource that is supposed to be available to everyone, and in the second, the person isn't paying his fair share and it will have to be paid by others.

And I'm not holier than thou, as I have to admit that I too choose which laws to obey - like speed limits.

I do think that the OP raises a slightly different question in that once a law is in place, we are supposed to follow it. We can "write our rep" to try to get a bad law changed, but that's pretty tough. But if we hate a law and serve on a jury, then we can choose to exercise "jury nullification".
No way to answer without more information imo. I am not happy about the wolf release but I am also not willing to blanket say that I would never find someone guilty of breaking a law, even if I disagreed with it. That said, If I believed the person truly thought it was a coyote, I probably wouldn't vote guilty.
I also wouldn't make it past the jury selection questions to get on the jury in the first place. I've sat on jury's in the past and been through the questioning a few times. I'm sure that the prosecution would not want me on the jury.
I also wouldn't make it past the jury selection questions to get on the jury in the first place. I've sat on jury's in the past and been through the questioning a few times. I'm sure that the prosecution would not want me on the jury.
I really hope no one in the hunting community is thinking about shooting a wolf in colorado if they come across one. I hate the wolf reintroduction as much as anyone, but the state of colorado will make an example of anyone killing a wolf and then use the case to demonize hunters.
I think folks need to get on jury’s and not dq themselves. It’s too bad some people believe the ends justify the means and the other side will stand around the dumpster fire with “honor” haha learned a few things in war, the first is never ever fight fair… also force/ tactics must be met with like force/ tactics otherwise you will lose
I Wouldn't make it on the jury. I highly doubt there is a situation where I would convict. The part where they are not considered a game animal and therefore will never be able to manage them is what I'm stuck at.
I really hope no one in the hunting community is thinking about shooting a wolf in colorado if they come across one. I hate the wolf reintroduction as much as anyone, but the state of colorado will make an example of anyone killing a wolf and then use the case to demonize hunters.
I agree, shooting a collard wolf is about the dumbest thing you could do… the state will draw and quarter you for killing one of their symbols. Probably worse punishment than if you murdered some useless straight white Christian man…
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I think folks need to get on jury’s and not dq themselves. It’s too bad some people believe the ends justify the means and the other side will stand around the dumpster fire with “honor” haha learned a few things in war, the first is never ever fight fair… also force/ tactics must be met with like force/ tactics otherwise you will lose
You still have to answer the questions truthfully when they ask you for selection. I would not lie to get on a jury, and I would not lie to get off a jury either. It's part of the process and I have been through it 5 times. Twice I was selected, three times I was disqualified for various reasons. One time I was even called back into the Judges quarters with the lawyers present. I knew the arresting officer, he actually had rented a room from me for several years, and the whole process was quite interesting with the defense wanting me gone and the prosecution wanting me on the jury. That one I was disqualified by the judge after the meeting, it was the fifth day of jury selection and I should have been DQ'd on day one but the bailiff wouldn't bring my request up to the judge. Like I said, its a very interesting process if you haven't been through it.

If for any reason I did make it onto the jury, it would be difficult for me to convict unless the violation was extremely flagrant and there wasn't any plausible defense.
I wonder if down the road, when hunting is more or less banned outright in states like Washington and Oregon, if people’s answers will be different when in the context of someone “illegally” killing an elk or deer.