Arrow wrap length overlapping arrow rest

None of you guys feel like the benefit of wraps in terms of blood ID outweighs replacing 2 additional vanes? (legit question, not trying to stir the pot)

Blood gets on other parts.

I read through this all and haven't identified that there's an actual problem. If you like them and the arrows fly well, just leave them and go worry about shooting form or a half bound of fat in your belly or something with a genuine negative effect.
None of you guys feel like the benefit of wraps in terms of blood ID outweighs replacing 2 additional vanes? (legit question, not trying to stir the pot)
You can choose your vane color of you would like something to show blood.

But I'm with the other guys. I used to use wraps, realized it was more work and more expensive.

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I would prefer not to use wraps, but I also like finding my arrows after a pass through or a miss. I color blind and the extra color helps me out a lot.

I wouldn't worry about the fuzz if you have good arrow flight.