I think the federal Halibut fishery is a good example of the federal government destroying multiple resources.I'm still waiting to see @dla's email to Northern Dynasty asking them to relocate the project to the Salmon River right by the Frank. Again, they're in the market for a new spot now, and it will create just an absolute *ton* of really awesome jobs.
I've heard the same from my buddies who live up there. Any specific examples of this you know of? Would be very interested to learn more about this.
I can't find it now, but I had read that the Feds were going to ban bear hunting somewhere down on the Kenai where the Alaska F&G says there's a large overpopulation and wants to increase hunting. Excess bears leads to less everything else. The Feds are going on feelings of idiots in the flatlands, while our f&g, in my experience is really good about raising and lowering or banning hunting when it actually needs to be done.
I don't even hunt bears, and I don't like halibut that much. But to see resources destroyed by "well meaning" idiots from 2000 miles away where I live doesn't make me happy.