Are you a Backcountry Hunters and Anglers member?

On a slightly different topic...are any of you Colorado guys going to the BHA wildgame cook off tomorrow night in Longmont? I'll be there with my wife and some elk fajitas.
I like to dirtbike and Snowmobile and mountain bike on public land. When shit gets designated wilderness I lose that ability. Make me sad. That is all...
It's an organization I feel can make a difference. I'm not a wealthy person and will never be able to afford private land to hunt/fish the way I want. I like BHA's philosophy that every American is a "Public Land Owner".
I received a year membership when I purchased products from seek outside and couldn't be happier, the more I learn the more I like about them, I will continue my membership! Also RMEF member.
I like to dirtbike and Snowmobile and mountain bike on public land. When shit gets designated wilderness I lose that ability. Make me sad. That is all...
Federal public land is multiple use. Plenty of public land to do those things and others you can't. Deal with it. We are not in danger of roads going extinct but our roadless areas are very limited. I prefer to keep it that way.
I left a message with them yesterday on the phone that was listed on their site saying that I was interested in a life membership...haven't got a call back.
Does someone have a better number?
Also are they a 501C?
I am a member, without public lands where the hell are we? In NM we already have a problem with state controlled lands, the state has proven it can not manage for the people.
Trying to figure out how to get the Kimber Platinum life membership without my wife finding out.

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I'm going to leave it at this men. But, before I go keep one thing in mind. Jason insinuates one thing. But, in
Order for his "facts" to be true, there would be no NM that doesn't allow hunting post designation, that did predestination. That simply isn't the case. Nor is making parts of what was previously accessed land, off limits to the people after a designation. That's not multiple use. That's not public input. That's a lobbied agenda.

This makes no sense. The National Monument designation goes back to 1906. There are 129 of them, administered by 8 different agencies in 5 different cabinet level departments. Reducing all the subtleties and historical nuances to public input of consequence equaling one thing and one thing only is ridiculous and lacking in "fact".
No, I was tempted until they came out with the quiet water initiative in Montana. I believe they do some really good stuff but always have a feeling that they want to keep it public but only want public land used how they like it. Personally I like to see dirt bikers, hikers hunters, and anyone else using public lands makes it a lot easier to keep public with a bigger voting base using it. We need areas for all recreationists to use. Yet I don't think bha does just because of things like the quiet water initiative. But no organization is perfect

I had an Archery Elk hunt ruined by a jet ski/four wheeler last year that the Quiet Water Initiative is intended to target. I own a jet boat and support the Quiet Waters Initiative and am a life member for BHA.
I had an Archery Elk hunt ruined by a jet ski/four wheeler last year that the Quiet Water Initiative is intended to target. I own a jet boat and support the Quiet Waters Initiative and am a life member for BHA.
IF passed quite waters is going to do a lot more then banning jet skis. I don't get the four wheeler reference on your hunt cause quite waters has nothing to do with any land vehicles.

A lot of water will be shut down to guy's for a good chunk of floatable season if this is passed. There is a lot of guys who don't have the time to float a river and a jet boat allows guy's to get to hunting and fishing spots that they couldn't get to with there time constraints if they were in a raft or drift boat. I own both a RO driftboat and a Wooldridge jet boat and have turkey hunted several days this spring on a couple islands on the Yellowstone that I wouldn't have had time to if I had to float to them in my drift boat.

There is no reason for the proposed quite waters, the FWP wardens don't support it at all because they say jetboat and non motorized conflict is a non issue and BHA proposed it because they think there will be a problem with jet boats in the future. If you own a jetboat you know even the best of them with minimal weight can only go through 4" of water with no rocks protruding. The proposed areas in quite waters is not going to have guy's getting up tributaries or farther up river then they are right now because jet boats, regardless of the advancement in technology will never be able to go in shallower water because of water displacement. Now Air Boats is another story, if those start to b come an issue then yes they should be limited because they can go a lot shallower then jetboats...
I was talking about a jet ski-four wheeler combo. Keep in mind, there were no issues with people using drones for hunting/scouting when BHA got the ball rolling on that.
I had an Archery Elk hunt ruined by a jet ski/four wheeler last year that the Quiet Water Initiative is intended to target. I own a jet boat and support the Quiet Waters Initiative and am a life member for BHA.

I think you just proved my point. It's public land why should you be able to say that use if it's legal is not ok. If what person did is not legal while another law won't stop them. It'll just stop people from recreating who obey the law. I've had lots of hunts ruined by people backpacking in and setting up camp in the middle of meadows where elk rut. I'm non trying to ban spike camps. It's part of the game of hunting public land. Everyone else has just as much right as me. It frustrates me when certain groups act like they are for everyone but push a certain agenda.
I think you just proved my point. It's public land why should you be able to say that use if it's legal is not ok. If what person did is not legal while another law won't stop them. It'll just stop people from recreating who obey the law. I've had lots of hunts ruined by people backpacking in and setting up camp in the middle of meadows where elk rut. I'm non trying to ban spike camps. It's part of the game of hunting public land. Everyone else has just as much right as me. It frustrates me when certain groups act like they are for everyone but push a certain agenda.

Why would I even bring that up if he was legal and he was just grinding my gears? Once again, I am an avid jet boat owner that supported the Quiet Waters Initiative and I also support BHA.
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Why would I even bring that up if he was legal and he was just grinding my gears? Once again, I am an avid jet boat owner that supported the Quiet Waters Initiative and I also support BHA.

So it was already illegal? What will having another law do to stop the guy who was already breaking the law? If the laws are not being enforced now more won't do any good.