Are Influencers illegally guiding?

I will have 10 deer points going into the 2025 season. There is massive value in me joining points with someone with no points to ensure we both have general tags.

Everyone knows that I could "sell" my points, by allowing someone else to join me as a party. Typically they pay for my license fees.

Please do not contact me about this, as I am not interested in this kind of transaction.

I have seen tons of other Roksliders offering this type of solution. I don't think this is the intent of the program.
I will have 10 deer points going into the 2025 season. There is massive value in me joining points with someone with no points to ensure we both have general tags.

Everyone knows that I could "sell" my points, by allowing someone else to join me as a party. Typically they pay for my license fees.

Please do not contact me about this, as I am not interested in this kind of transaction.

I have seen tons of other Roksliders offering this type of solution. I don't think this is the intent of the program.
It definitely happens, just as land owners sell access to their land, does that make a landowner an outfitter/guide? I’m just looking at the premise of this thread being what makes a guide etc, I don’t think selling a spot on a group app or land owners selling the right to access their property to remotely come close to creating this, I guess this is what I was getting at, as it only came up because of consideration.
The case I was attempting to make was that one person stands to make a profit by taking another person on a fishing trip that strongly resembles a guide/client scenario, but without having to obtain any permits or licensing.

It's probably not a big deal and likely doesn't happen enough to be problematic. I just thought it was an interesting scenario and wanted to see what other people thought about it.
I think the big differentiator from this and a "guided" trip is the fact that there is no solicitation of a "guided" trip. This is a pure giveaway with the "sport" receiving all the up front benefit and the "guide" in question requesting no payment and offering no "guide services". The fact that he will make money off the production of the video should have no weight, or else Steve Rinella would have lost his license a long time ago.
I think that if you've got enough spare time in your day to actually be looking into this and worrying about what a Youtuber is doing, you either need to spend more time working or doing something productive, or get out and actually do more stuff to keep you occupied. Let the authorities worry about it, if people don't think that Fish and Wildllife depts are actively monitoring social media platforms, they're delusional. I've been told by a local one that at this point, they bust more poachers/illegal fishing than ever and most of the reason is because of social media.
Having spots blown up as a direct result is effecting all of us. These guys are also selling their location data where they encounter animals for serious $$$. Legal or illegal?

Your neck of the woods might be different, but CPW has their hands full. I've reported actual illegal guides with no repercussions or follow up. They don't have the manpower or time now with wolves in the mix. Gotta go after the big cases.
The owner of another popular hunting forum has a "scouting" business where he doesn't sell scouting, or "locations", he sells "glassing spos" and "camp and trail locations".

Then every year he offers to provide this info to anyone who wants to hunt G every year, of course that individual would have tge points to share.

Somehow "sharing" and selling are different in Wyoming. Hes "sharing" for points. Selling for cash.

Wyoming has interesting laws around commercial hunting/fishing
Is this one of those loopholes like porn movies guys use? It's illegal to pay a girl for sex, unless you film it...
I will have 10 deer points going into the 2025 season. There is massive value in me joining points with someone with no points to ensure we both have general tags.

Everyone knows that I could "sell" my points, by allowing someone else to join me as a party. Typically they pay for my license fees.

Please do not contact me about this, as I am not interested in this kind of transaction.

I have seen tons of other Roksliders offering this type of solution. I don't think this is the intent of the program.

This is why I do NOT agree with point averaging at all. I think it should be done away with 100%. Especially in Wyoming where people are abusing the system in a bad way.