Arc'teryx leaf Alpha LT- 10 year review and Alpha Gen2 3 year impressions.

Alex Lab

Jul 12, 2022
Here is my impressions and review on arcteryx jackets and pants.

lets start with the old α LT.This was the first expensive rain jacket I have bought. I bought it back in 2012 as a gift to myself when i finished my 5year long academy I wanted to buy something good that could keep me dry in heavy rain during hiking and hunts. I did a lot of searching around before i decided on the LT. Back then alot of the products that still exists today had just been lunched but there was not a ton of long term reviews of garments on the internet. I talked to another mountaineer that had used arcteryx gear for a long time. Knowing that it was made from the same inner fabric. I decided to buy it.
This is back in 2012 , something special when walking days in rain. And when you get above the clouds the sun is shining.

If you want the short of it.

*Will keep you dry if you move in slow speeds during rain.
*Light weight.
*Packs small
*IMO great colors, Hiking and hunting, traveling, and local supermarket, Allowed at work.
*can take some abuse, but only from light gear.
*clean cut, does not Yell, HELLO LOOK AT ME I AM TACTICOOOL ( f ucing hate all this velcro shit and pockets everywhere. Clothing In work Yes, back and forth from the local bakery not so much)

*If you push it you will get wet from inside
*Inner fabric has a tendency to feel "wet" due to its absorption characteristics.
*Not especially easy to fix if you get a tear.
*noisy asf(not prefect for close stalk)
*abit finicky to get the fabric to be optimized, i.e. shed rain and breath.
*there are a lot stronger jackets out there. If you want a tank, This is not it.

In my onionin. If you want a jacket that can do it all. There are a few that is on par with the alpha LT.
Clean cut, Clean colors, keep you dry in heavy rain. Packs small, works well with helmet if you need it.
Will you get wet if you move quickly during rain. Depending on outside temperature. Yes you will get wet.
In cold rain, 0-5c 30-40F, it will work. Even running.
However its not heavy weight, it will break after use. specially if you use a lot of heavy belts, chest rigs, winter gloves.
If you are going to use it only when it rains, and not like me spending so much time on gravel it will last a looong time.

In long
Lets assess damage and draw some conclusions after that.
The two most noticeable things is that the outer fabric have started to come loose from the inner. I noticed this early on at some places.
Specially on the elbows and around the neck. I suspect this is from prone shooting and backpacks.

The other is that the inner fabric have frayed and worn down or lose as well.
all other joints or welds are in somewhat good condition.

the waist strap "channel" have completely worn down. I think this is due to wearing a lot of belts. Always dragging and pushing the lower part of the jacket against heavy canvas pants.
the other is from gloves.

The cuffs inside of the jacket is starting fray, the velcro is still good. which is odd. I really thought that would be the first to breake.
the hood has also seen better days. The inner fabric starts to come loose and the welds are braking apart. However they are still holding together.
and the Dloop is missing.

On the outside, It is remarkable how good the seams on the outer fabric on these jackets are.
as well as the zippers. The only part is that you notice that the outer fabric has debonded from the inner.

okey. So the big question.
Does this jacket still work, not as a windbreaker but as a rain jacket?
Yes it actually does. So 3years ago when i recived my alpha gen2 this jacket got replaced.
however I'm a bit curious, How many 1000s of hours of use can it take before it just falls apart. 20years?
so I have kept using it sometimes every day, sometimes once a month during rain weather

I must say that i I'm impressed by arcteryx, this jacket is not free from flaws but its really good for what it is designed to do.
When i say i have used this jacket alot, I really mean alot. Its good. If you cant make up your mind i would say this.
If you are going to use it as a rain jacket during light hikes/hunts go for it. You will not be disappointed.
if you can live with all the pros and cons that comes with goretex. go for it.
If you are heavy user on gear, use carriers, heavy backpacks. climbing gear. This is not for you. There are better options for you.

Next up its bigger brother, Alpha Gen 2.

Alex Lab

Jul 12, 2022
So first of I have not bought this jacket. It was issued to me. If the LT is expensive the Alpha Gen 2 is even more so.

The fit and finish on the gen2 is very similar to the LT, there is however two main differences it uses a different goreTex membrane and a stronger outer shell. Is this noticeable ? No. its not. I would be lying if i could tell the difference in performance in terms of shedding rain or transport sweat of the two jackets.

However i have noticed that the newer Alpha gen2 can go longer without a wash and its abit more robust.
the inside of the jacket still looks like new. at the same mileage the LT started to show some tear.
this is promising.


the cuffs on the other hand is starting to show the exact same issues as the LT.
I suspect that this jacket if continued would start to fray.


The hood is looking really good. as well for the shoulder part.
This is impressive since there is a lot of strain on the shoulders.

Last i have started to notice that the outer fabric is starting to debond, same as the old LT
This is around the elbows, exactly the same as the old LT.

My impressions so far for the alpha gen 2.
It has lot of commonalities with the LT same fit, perhaps a slight difference in shape more boxy.
Its a noticeable heavier jacket, the fabric is more like cardboard than the LT
it has the tacticool velcro shit look going for it, If you like. Here you go.

when it comes to rain. its the same or even worse than the LT. I think it has to do with the fact that the fabric is thicker, tighter woven. but its just a guess.
it will be interesting to see if it brakes in the same places as the LT. at the moment it looks great. But time and alot wear is not kind to fabrics.

This jacket is clearly not only a "rain jacket" its a uniform jacket and it shows in its design.
Would i buy this over a LT. No I don't think so.
Ditch the velcro and and improve the cuffs perhaps fold the outer fabric a couple of inches more up the sleeves to improve the issues with gloves. i would also like it to be a little longer. I'm ~6´ it works but i like my jackets a bit on the longer side. The climbing dna shows and for a ground dweller like me i just want to be dry i dont need a short jacket to help in climbing.

Jun 2, 2020
NW British Columbia
The Original Arcteryx were made in Canada....and that line lasted (as you see) the test of should have a maple leaf on it. I have an old Arcteryx I still use today....all my new stuff is NOT of the same quality and where it is made,,,,(China,India...etc) is likely a factor.
Dec 14, 2021
That hem issue seems to be super common. What was your wash schedule like? Regular washing delays the inevitable delamination you see on the hood.


Feb 21, 2014
Snowflake, AZ
Thanks for the review. I have been wondering how long the waterproofing on my Alpha lt will hold up. Based on your useage, I don’t need to worry about it unless I rip it.