Archery Whitetail Outfitter


Sep 24, 2019
Stephenville, TX & Hamilton, MT
Just to set the stage, I have been a hunter for more than twenty years and incredibly fortunate to take animals all over the world. Almost all of those animals were taken with a rifle. I have been shooting my bow for more than a decade, but it has never been my primary focus until this year. I spent this fall hunting my own place in Montana with a bow and had the most fun I’ve had in years. I had almost daily encounters with deer at close range and learned more this year than I had the prior twenty. I loved every moment of it.

So having said all of that, I’ve become consumed by archery hunting whitetail and I’m looking for recommendations for top quality outfitters. I have several points in Kansas and Iowa and should be able to draw there anytime. But I’m not limited to those states. I’m open to literally anywhere there’s an excellent archery outfitter. That could be here in Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri or maybe even Canada. It doesn’t matter. I just want a quality hunt so I’m asking if anyone has any recommendations.

Feel free to post any recommendations or PM me with what you recommend. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
I have some great ground leased up in Kansas and Iowa on the east side of the state. PM me if you want to talk whitetails and I might have a spot for you - I've been hunting 4-year-old and older whitetails for about 30 years and they still in my opinion are the smartest big game animal in the mid-west.
Head to Nebraska and hunt with running water. I’ve done a handful of hunts with them and cannot recommend them enough. You will see ALOT of deer.

My advice. Find sombody legit, Ideally from word of mouth from a trusted source. They have been around awhile, minimum 10 years, and its their main job. At least in Iowa, way to many guys are wanna be outfitters. The bar is very low. They kill a few nice bucks and decide they can now profit off it and start selling hunts.
Head to Nebraska and hunt with running water. I’ve done a handful of hunts with them and cannot recommend them enough. You will see ALOT of deer.

Bet they dont see " A LOT" of deer in NW Nebraska nowadays. Some quality deer there still tho.