A wrist release isn't a thing of the past. You could try a quality wrist release, not the cheapo ones many use. Give a handheld a go and see what you think. I did but went back to a wrist held; Stan Extinction 2.
THIS. Especially the "quality wrist release." Probably the most difficult part is finding something quality. $40 will get the job done, but the consistency is lacking and you usually can't adjust anything. A lot of the cheap caliper jaw (single or double) have consistency issues, terrible straps and no adjustability. This makes all the difference in getting in that repeatability needed for consistent anchor. To get something like that it's not cheap, and to get one with a "sear" it's easily $100 to get in the door. Many $150+
Just for kicks here is a list of releases I have shot- Spoiler Alert- I try a lot of things.....because I like to tinker. It's a problem....
Scotty Itty Bitty Goose, Scott Silverhorn, Spot Hogg Wiseguy (boa/buckle, rigid and nylon), Carter Like Mike1, Tru Ball Fang, Stan Extinction 2, B3 Hawk, B3 Claw, Carter Rx1. All these releases had things I was drawn too, either simplicity, adjustability, trigger feel, but as I experimented I learned I wanted a trigger that felt like my thumbs and so ....currently shooting the Rx1 and really like it. Great trigger and fully adjustable. I shot the stan Extinction 2 for years as well, until it was discontinued. It is also amazing. Great trigger and fully adjustable. I am considering a Scott S2, a double sear design, fully adjustable. The double sear would make it a similar trigger feel to a thumb I have shot. But as I said it's $179....
Thumb: Carter Insatiable, Hot Shot Vapor, Tru Ball Blade Pro Flex, Stan Perfex, Stan Onnex, Carter Wise Choice, UV Thumb Button (only tested at the shop), Carter Too Simple. Currently using the Too Simple. Fits my draw length and a great trigger. The Stan Perfex (discontinued) and Onnex have more adjustability (d/t to the 2,3,4 finger, and multiple post and thumb barrel sizes and rotation) and I would use them again for sure. I shot the Perfex and then sold it for the Onnex. Same with the Wise Choice. It's essentially a Too simple with a longer neck and enclosed first finger. I liked the UV but as others have said it lengthens the draw length waayyyy too much. If they every shorten the neck length I will for sure look at it hard. The Carter Too Simple is a short neck and gives me a better consistent anchor.
Hinge: Stan Morex 4 finger, UV1, Stan Onnex. Shot the Onnex the most as I was also running the Thumb version and thought I could train with the hinge and then hunt with the thumb. Decided I didn't want the hinge as I wanted a slightly shorter neck. Again the UV1 was tested only in the shop, but the long neck did me in.
I have only hunted with a wrist strap, so far. Prolly going to try to hunt with a thumb though. I train all off season with a thumb. You can shoot a wrist strap like a hinge or thumb using your pull through and back muscles. But I found that to accomplish this a handheld is the best teacher so it's worth having both, for me anyway. I also think the way you set up your wrist strap can promote more pull through in the short versus the trigger punch.
If you are interested in something specific on this list, let me know and I can giver a better rundown on what I thought, maybe it'll save you some cash!