Archery elk Smokey Bennett unit 43/48 Idaho

Guys just so you know this is not all of Idaho more units 43, 48, 49 and 50. Snow came on and dumped like 5 ft trapped the elk n deer up high they were not ready due to the mild dec Jan. Crushed them. Then the elk were so weak they cannot get away from the wolves.

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Guys just so you know this is not all of Idaho more units 43, 48, 49 and 50. Snow came on and dumped like 5 ft trapped the elk n deer up high they were not ready due to the mild dec Jan. Crushed them. Then the elk were so weak they cannot get away from the wolves.

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Yep, up until February they weren't really stressed. February dropped the hammer on them big time.

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IF you're non-resident, a tule hunt would be really really hard to draw. Several outfitters do have access to land-owner tags for $12-20k range. I'd love to see more Tule elk recovery in my home state, seems like the heart of the issue is there is too much cattle ranching to support a large elk population. These elk live in the rolling hills of the coastal ranges which also happens to be some of the state's best ranching land.

In other news, anyone else have anything positive to say about units 43/48?
They could tell you to move back to Florida. Remember? Idaho is full

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Hey I got my Drivers license and pay my taxes here so I didn’t have to be one of those guys, I am a little hypocritical and I can admit it lol
I know you are trying to be funny but there is no managing our Big Game here. It's a state set up for Opportunity to hunt not quality management of game herds. It's all about the money here. Enjoy it while you can. I'm glad you and the rest of your state enjoy hunting here. I think I'm hunting in Washington state here as more than half the vehicles I see have WA. state plates on them.

If Idaho hunters were so amazing they wouldn't need nearly as many non-residents and wolves to manage their big game numbers. 😂
I know you are trying to be funny but there is no managing our Big Game here. It's a state set up for Opportunity to hunt not quality management of game herds. It's all about the money here. Enjoy it while you can. I'm glad you and the rest of your state enjoy hunting here. I think I'm hunting in Washington state here as more than half the vehicles I see have WA. state plates on them.
For real Excaliber all original Idahoans are getting shafted by Idfag who care little about the experience of hunters. Sad thing need a better system.

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I know you are trying to be funny but there is no managing our Big Game here. It's a state set up for Opportunity to hunt not quality management of game herds. It's all about the money here. Enjoy it while you can. I'm glad you and the rest of your state enjoy hunting here. I think I'm hunting in Washington state here as more than half the vehicles I see have WA. state plates on them.
Yes, it was meant as joke. If it's any consolation I'd be there regardless of what my license plate says, non-res or res. If you think IDFG is screwing Idaho hunters, next time you see that parking lot with tons of WA plates ask yourself how bad the system in WA must be that so many hunters are paying to go out of state instead of staying closer to home. I grew up in Oregon and thought the system sucked, then moved to Washington and realized how much better off I was in Oregon. My dad has spent 2-3 weeks every fall for the past 30 years in the same drainage in Idaho. Sometimes hunting, but mostly helping friends that guided and outfitted. If/when Idaho makes it so I can't be there every fall with an elk tag, I'll be there with a shotgun and fly rod. The game quantity and quality has changed but those mountains haven't.
Anybody have any POSITIVE light to shine about an archery elk hunt in these zones? Not looking for gps coordinates , but just any little tips that could generally put a person in the right direction, I understand the zone is heavily pressured and tag numbers are high. I hunt a similarly pressured zone in Idaho for mule deer and we still manage to pull out a couple good ones every trip, so there for realize the little extra effort goes a long ways, just wondering maybe if archery elk in 43/48 might be that way as well. Hoping to hear something positive about the unit being everything I usually here leads to the negative side, but I’ll listen the the bad things as well if that’s all u got lol !!! Thanks in advance, looking forward to hear wat everyone has to say .
, 3pointer
Hi I'm new to this forum and new to hunting in idaho. This will be my first elk hunt. We bought otc antlerless tags for the smokey bennet zone unit 45 and 52 east of mountain home. I have hunted deer all my life to be honest I think I've only seen one elk in my life. Are season starts nov 1. I cant scout the area due to living 10 hours away but I've done alot of onx and google earth research. I've been cruising the web for months and their really doesnt seem to be much info on either unit besides the mule deer info. I have about 2 weeks before we go so I'm just trying to see if you or anyone you know may have some advice. It's me and one other freind we plan on hiking in and trying to set up camp in an area without roads somewhere on the south side of mount Bennett but we would be willing to go to anywhere in the units. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi I'm new to this forum and new to hunting in idaho. This will be my first elk hunt. We bought otc antlerless tags for the smokey bennet zone unit 45 and 52 east of mountain home. I have hunted deer all my life to be honest I think I've only seen one elk in my life. Are season starts nov 1. I cant scout the area due to living 10 hours away but I've done alot of onx and google earth research. I've been cruising the web for months and their really doesnt seem to be much info on either unit besides the mule deer info. I have about 2 weeks before we go so I'm just trying to see if you or anyone you know may have some advice. It's me and one other freind we plan on hiking in and trying to set up camp in an area without roads somewhere on the south side of mount Bennett but we would be willing to go to anywhere in the units. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
From the sounds of it, this isn't the tag you think it is. It'll be better the later into the season it gets. hope for weather and be looking for elk coming down from 44, 48, and 49.