Ar scope mount

Nov 12, 2020
I need a mount for an AR, in 1”. Burris makes a decent mount but I can get over the caps. Any suggestions.
For QD throw levers and a serious, lightweight setup, hard to beat the American Defense setup. Vortex does (did?) a rebrand, and they also do a lower-end burris-like version. If you can swing the 40% increase in price, the ADM is hard to beat. Use their provided vibra-tite when you mount it up if you go that route.
I have used the DNZ "freedom reaper" mount . Has done very well over several years,...Joe
1” tube is the tough one. 30mm is the rage.
get an offset mount so you don’t have to push the cheek way back on the stock.IMG_7848.jpeg
I used an Aero precision ultralight standard 1" mount. It was on a coyote hunting ar. It's currently sitting in my parts box. I'd be willing to sell it if you're interested.


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Larue for top tier or Warne for more budget oriented. I bought the one piece for my 300blk.
I’ve currently got a cheap vortex in 30mm on it, but I’m probably gonna go to a 1” scope. Once I may up my mind on what scope I’m gonna go with I’ll get a mount