April Aoudad Hunt

Jun 25, 2014
Has anybody hunted TX in April for aoudad? I have heard mixed things about hunting them at that time of year.
Bring lots of water. Aoudad are where you find them, I personally don’t think season matters much, unless you are in heavy pressured areas and the rams are holding up in some tight areas and not moving much. But generally that’s not Texas
which part of Texas? Weather can be super cold or super hot, especially if you are far west texas (Davis Mountains). If you are on a good ranch in the Davis Mountains, should be a really good experience.
which part of Texas? Weather can be super cold or super hot, especially if you are far west texas (Davis Mountains). If you are on a good ranch in the Davis Mountains, should be a really good experience.
Van horn region
great country, tell us how it goes...

btw, you know everything out there will stick you or sting you. If you wear your favorite Kuiu attack pants in that country, they will come back looking like a ghillie suit...
great country, tell us how it goes...

btw, you know everything out there will stick you or sting you. If you wear your favorite Kuiu attack pants in that country, they will come back looking like a ghillie suit...
That’s true, I thrashed a pair of attack pants on an aoudad hunt ~ 18 months ago, I’m headed out to hunt them again in a week, I dug out the old pants since they are already wrecked.
I hunted them just SW of Van Horn right on the Rio Grande several years ago. It was a rut hunt in Sept or Oct, I don't recall. Forecasted weather was supposed to be overcast, possible rain, highs in the 70s. It ended up being Sunny and in the 90s. We ran out of water, damn near died on that hunt. If it was not for my Lifestraw no doubt my guide and I may have never made it out. Scariest situation I have ever been. We drank the nastiest, most stagnated water from a mudhole one could imagine. Bring lots of hydration and have a plan if you are getting low. That terrain is unforgiving, and deceiving. As mentioned above, everything wants to bite or poke you. Only thing I wished I had brought but did not, was a thin pair of tough palmed/fingered leather or synthetic gloves to help climb up and over the rough rocks. It could be hotter than hell or cool/cold in April. Hard to predict. Good luck.
Only thing I wished I had brought but did not, was a thin pair of tough palmed/fingered leather or synthetic gloves to help climb up and over the rough rocks. It could be hotter than hell or cool/cold in April. Hard to predict. Good luck.
Can you think of any specific gloves that would meet what you're looking for?
I'm heading to Texas to hunt Axis this June and auodad next spring. I think all my gloves are probably too soft in the palm and fingers.
I would honestly just go to Home Depot and buy some firm grip all purpose gloves. Something that will breathe on the back hand side and have a grip surface on the palm side.
I just got back yesterday from a hunt south of Marathon TX and it was super windy which kept the sheep hiding and not too pleasant to be out in the conditions. Temps weren’t too bad now but I could imagine in April it might get warm mid day. Terrain and bushes are all rugged and hard on gear. I took gaiters and they helped shed some of it and wore mechanics gloves and glad I did. Took one fall and had the gloves on that took the brunt of it. Attack pants worked good but the bushes took a toll on them. We only located one group of rams and I took a good ram that presented the best opportunity. Hindsight I should have been more patient for the bigger one to get clear. Good luck though if you decide to go in April
Kuiu kutanas do pretty solid on these hunts. Nylon based and don’t pull or snag like the attacks do.

If you’re hunting near Van Horn just make sure to be aware of your surroundings. Very possible that you will bump into illegals. I wouldn’t hesitate to go just wanted to get it on your radar and to be prepared for it rather than reacting.

Petzl cordite climbing gloves are a solid glove choice, or any mechanics style glove.

It’ll sound excessive but I carried 5-6 liters of water when hunting on foot for the day and often drank all of it. I was there in October and it was pretty warm.

As others said, the country is rugged and deceiving. Easy to climb or get in some sketchy terrain where you could really hurt yourself.

It’s a ton of fun. I hunted hard for 5 days and went home empty handed but honestly it was one of my favorite hunts I’ve done.

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I've been using a pair of Sitka gloves that have a leather palm area for several years on sheep, elk and aoudad hunts. They have held up well and seem a bit tougher than the mechanic gloves, but I'm sure they will work too.