Appy trails mark 5 review


Sep 23, 2013
Appy trails mark 3 review

So I'm about 15 days into my mark 5 . And can say that I'm happy , not blown away buy happy! it has held up to some really heavy rains with very little condensation, has seen some decent wind 38 mph tops and didn't shred! The over all set once you get it down is super fast, but has taken some trial and error to not get the centerline to sag to low . I will need to do slight repair on one of the stakes due to minor ripping , due to my arrogance of pulling on the tent! I have replaces foot pole with a carbon arrow to make break down to the same size as the stuff sack, for the reason of it hanging out the stuff sack by almost 6 inches lol. Like I said overall I like it , almost love it! A few off season mods and I might reach that love it stage . I'll post picks soon
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I am 6'1 and this picture is with included aluminum center pole i made a trek pole extension amd ends up being 6" shorth but a wider ground surface
It is 6 feet high I measured it myself I have 3 of these Work great. Nothing Amazing but they do the job. Keep the rain out pretty well.
For the price they look good. Sure as heck dont see putting 5 people in it unless it was an emergency. Good for 2 and gear.
X2 on just for two people. I changed the guy lines and added some shock cord to the eyelets , so far no issues . Hard to beat for 120 bucks.
My bad guys kept wondering why my measurements were off that's because . I put mark 5 when I ment to put 3 . Sorry my bad
I can't say I love the Mark V, but it has worked fine. Mine was up in the yard for over a month this summer, and then used for 5 nights in Nevada. It shows no wear. It is supposed to be a 5 or 4 man tent, but two is acutually a tight fit with how low and narrow the foot area is. I also use an arrow as the pole in the foot end, which helps add a little height. I added a few more stake out locations to help tighten the pitch and also changed out the cheap guylines. My biggest complaint is the velcro door. If I could sew, I'd put in a zipper because the velcro is kind of a pain. I'd also put in a few spots to tie guylines on the sides. Overall, if I had it to do over, I'd probably spend a bit more and get something else, but I'm not entirely unhappy with it.