There are still applications for a binocular when hunting with a thermal monocular?


Sep 21, 2022
Hi everyone, i hunt in the italian hillside roes, boars and fellow deer, usually in the first hours of the morning.
I used to use my leica binocular a lot. Since i bought a thermal, i think i used the binocular 5 times in the last 10 hunts and most of the times i could have just used the rifle scope.
The pulsar thermal is handier and works sp much better as a spotter.

The only use i have for the bino is to better identify the prey when hunting a male but i really don't hunt for the trophy so i started wondering why should i keep the bino hanging on my neck or in a bino harness. I would probably better off leaving it home or keeping it in the backpack for sporadic use.

Do you see any other useful application for a bino when being able to use a quality thermal monocular?
I am sorry because with the use of the monocular spotting is much more effective but less fun.

Thanks guys