Anyone want to go bowhunt in NZ with me?

Hi Jim, I'm based in the central north island a small place called Raurimu, you are more than welcome to come for a hunt on my place heaps of red and fallow deer. Me and a mate are planning a trip to states when this covid shit clears so I would be keen to pick your brain with regards to hunting in the US
It is a lot different to here with regards to permits and tags.
Cheers Mark

the raurimu spiral!!

mark if ur keen flick me a pm and I can help as much as possible.

biggest hurdle for you guys to do a DIY hunt is hunter safety courses.. I’ve been a “mentor” now a couple times in a few different states.
I think a NZ hunting permit would qualify as a previous hunting license and work for most states. If you need a US based Hunter Ed course, now is the time to get one. Due to Covid, NY suspended all in person courses and is offering them entirely online. I believe that a NY Hunter or Bowhunter Safety certificate will get you a license in most other states.
If any one in NZ needs help hunting in the states il gladly help in return for NZ pointers

Its most definitely on my to do list 2021-2022
Awesome place I did 16 days a few years back now on the South Island it was amazing, had a great time we hunted around Franz Joseph hellied into Butlers and hiked from there Around Hughes creek, you won’t regret going
Thanks man really appreciate it, I've heard hell about the sand flies too, nice to talk to someone first hand about it.

DOC lists Pyke on my permit as saying nothing about roar block, only dogs prohibited- guy at the heli place didn't say anything about that either, but it does look like they 1080ed not too far south of there. Around Lake Aviemore isn't too far the the heli place, thats basically plan A at this point but if you have any suggestions that are driveable by otago I'm all ears. I applied for all south island spots if that helps

NZ Sandflies reminded be of Black Flies in AK - Brutal!!! I was in NZ over the holidays, but didn't get to hunt, so I am jealous ... other than the Sand Flies which could be miserable. If you have time and like to Fly Fish, it is amazing as well!