Anyone using the 3Dcoy elk decoy?


May 9, 2017
Seldom Seen Saddle
I've been looking at several makes and models of elk decoys for solo bow hunting. I was originally leaning toward the Ultimate Predator Elk Stalker or Heads Up decoys but the 3dcoy currently has my interest. It looks very realistic - at least on the promo videos. I'm thinking I could move the decoy's head when an incoming bull is in sight and when he sees it, lower the decoy, drop it, and get ready to shoot.

Anyone have any experience with the 3dcoy or the Elk Stalker or Heads Up?


Oct 10, 2018
The downside I see is that it isnt stuctured so you you would have to find the right branch to stick up into it to hold it up. Also the cost is about double that of the other two.
Aug 14, 2016
Great Falls MT
I love the Predator cow butt decoy. My buddy and I usually split up and hunt different directions when we're in a lower griz populated area.
I fully understand working the doorway with setups but sometimes it's tough to get the perfect setup.

A few years ago I was rolling completely solo. Stopped for a nap around noon thirty. Woke to some weird sound. Let out a little contact bugle and sure enough I get a reply. I throw my boots back on and head down the hill. As I get closer I start laying on the demanding mews trying to tell the bull he's gotta come to me. He's picking up what I'm putting down.
I had that decoy on the recurve and find a decent spot to setup. And he's charging in!

Friggin he stops at 25 but he's not frontal enough and all I have is his massive shoulder or jugular.
The decoy held him there in a long stalemate and I couldn't hold the curve any longer. He takes off and he was a giant six point!!! I'm sure Fred Bear or one of the trad legends would have found a spot for an arrow but why risk it.

Year before last on the other hand I located a bull mid day. Got him to give me a groan with a last calf. I get above his bed and of course I'd left the decoy in camp!

I try and make the doorway as best as I could. I didn't want to walk too far down the hill and bump him.

Sure enough after a couple mews he comes trotting in. But he doesn't see an elk. He paces back and forth around 35 yards. He finally stops and I made the perfect shot! So smooth! Well he was about 10% quartering towards and at the last second he turns into the arrow with that massive shoulder shield! After a long search I had to call it.

A few days later he's on a trail camera in a wallow like nothing happened. You can clearly see the little scratch I gave him. It was only 2-3" forward. A he made a few more visits to that wallow but I was never able to find him for a rematch.

Anyways I think the decoy would have calmed him down enough that he wouldn't have jumped the string. I've never had an elk react to a shot like that. I think with the trad bows being so quiet they usually just stand there and take it.