Anyone still using an old Garmin Inreach?

I fired up my Delorme InReach this morning and sent a test message.

All good.
That thing goes with me everywhere.

A few years ago I did a battery test on it.
I fully charged it, left it on (Sleep
Mode) then once a day I sent myself a message, then let it go back to sleep mode. Repeated.

At the end of 7 days I had 15% battery life remaining.
I bought my inreach mini in like 2016/2017 i think. Dont know if that makes it old.
I have both a Mini 1 and Mini 2 that my wife and I use. The only reason why I'm still using the Mini 1 and not upgrading it is because it is grandfathered into having custom preset messages that you can send for free. It's really nice to be able to customize the 3 messages and send them as much as you want.
The Mini 2 doesn't have presets?! That's bogus, that was one of the main reasons I initially went InReach!
Integrated batteries are easily replaced with Amazon or eBay batteries and, at worst, you have to order a $50 micro soldering kit. It’s worth looking into.
On the 'old' Delorme, If you go into Settings > Messages > Listen Interval , you can select many options.

One will drain your battery quick, Continuous / Best Update, one is for Best Battery.

Or you can select Manual and it will Listen when you ask
I'm still rocking the original Delorme inreach as well, it works great.
Our OG inreach stopped working and it really had me worried it wasn’t going to be reliable in an emergency. So we replaced it. Would have kept using it though if it worked well ok but it wasn’t consistent with sending messages at all and had me worried a SOS wouldn’t work. If i remember right i did get a notification that they stopped updating the software too but i can’t remember if that was for the inreach or something else. Maybe someone can confirm that thought for me

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Our OG inreach stopped working and it really had me worried it wasn’t going to be reliable in an emergency. So we replaced it. Would have kept using it though if it worked well ok but it wasn’t consistent with sending messages at all and had me worried a SOS wouldn’t work. If i remember right i did get a notification that they stopped updating the software too but i can’t remember if that was for the inreach or something else. Maybe someone can confirm that thought for me

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I just got back from a 5-day backcountry hunt with no cell service the entire time. Sent prolly 30 messages from my OG inreach over the 5 days, and they all sent fine.
I still use the original Gen 1 Delorme inReach. I think I bought it in 2014! Still rocking. It works great and still has amazing battery life. I can’t believe it.
Hello all,

Going on my first elk hunt this year and looking into satellite communication options. I've been reading up on SpaceX's starlink satellite system and it is making me leary of spending a bunch of $ on a device like an inreach mini when it sounds like it may become somewhat obsolete in the near future. With that being said, I have been looking at some older used inreach devices like the 1.5's with all push buttons and no screen. Is anyone still running one of these, and do they still seem to work ok? Trying to save a few bucks but I'm also leary of 10 year old electronics with multiple new iterations out there.
I bought an old Garmin in reach explorer and have had no issues with it! It works great. I am very happy with it and have used it for 3-4 years.
I have the old Yellow InReach GPS and want to switch to the mini or get rid of it all together. I hate having to haul another thing around that is 95% replaced by phone/OnX I'm gonna have regardless.
I just sold my original because I wanted a map for the gps. I don't hunt near cell service and don't like carrying extra power sources (other than a few AAs or AAAs). I've found my phone to suck too much power, but an older orange inreach explorer hit the sweet spot for me. Without tracking and only turning on when I need it, it can easily last two weeks on an alpine hunt. Good luck.
I'm still running the original mini inReach Gen 1, purchased in 2019. Still running strong. I don't worry much about battery life since I have several portable power banks. Don't see any reason to change unless some other gizmo comes out that's technically more advanced and affordable for my hunting and simple adventure needs. I don't like spending $ and "fixing" s_ _t that ain't broke, bro..
I was thinking of pausing ZOLEO after upgrading my iPhone15 to iOS 18. It is much easier to use the ZOLEO. iOS 18 requires you to stop what you're doing, search for a few minutes, then point your phone at a satellite and wait for it to connect and then send messages. Takes a few minutes. ZOLEO's passive loading of messages makes it a more feasible, easier process.

I was convinced that iOS 18 would be able to kill my ZOLEO subscription, but after trying to use it in the trees, I don't think so. ZOLEO: Iridium Apple: GlobalStar

You can join the iOS 18 beta here:
Just got the iPhone, I can text fellow apple using but not android. Is there a setting or is it inherently only apple can reply to my phone?