Anyone here switch careers into nursing?

The greatest thing about nursing is the fact that there are so many options. If you can grind it out in hospital setting for a couple years, it opens a lot of doors.

Like I said I am 5 years in working in the ER. I took a part time gig as an occupational health nurse at a large factory for a few months. It was a gravy job. I was offered a full time position at better pay than what I make now, but I love the ER and couldn’t imagine leaving right now.

The pandemic has definitely caused a huge nursing shortage. My hospital has had 25 nurses leave the ER in the last 8 months. We have only been able to hire 12 replacements.

But, nursing shortages open up money for more pay. I am working as atravel nurse contract at my facility. Paying me gobs of money at the moment. I’m not a travel nurse, I live 10 minutes away.

But, there are a lot of pitfalls. 12 hour shifts are more like 13-14 hours. Spend most of your day knee deep in body fluids. I have been physically assaulted multiple times. I’m not talking old granny hitting me. I’m talking grown men beating the dog crap out of me.

Then there are the pediatric abuse and deaths that linger in your mind for years.

You either love it or you hate it.
One other thing to consider if the medical field interests you is medical sales. With the right job you will probably have more freedom and make more money than most nurses, but you will still be working in ORs helping physicians and patients. I’m about 3 years into my Med device sales career after a major career shift at the age of 39. Yes it has its downsides of commission based sales and high pressure quotas, but if you can withstand that pressure the pay, hours, and benefits are all really good.
I’m celebrating my 25th year as a R.N. this year. 18 as a C.R.N.A. There are a lot of different jobs available to you as a nurse, the good news is if you don’t like one job you can often transfer to another. It’s all looked at as cumulative experience until you find something you enjoy. If you have the opportunity, I’d go travel nursing. I have multiple friends that have and it’s amazing. Put it this way, they pay everything for your agreed upon contract- housing, benefits and pay. For whatever time term you agree upon, month to month, 3 month stints, whatever. And you can choose where in the states your going. As mentioned previous, as a travel nurse you don’t have to stress why a facility/hospital administration is failing. You simply take your money and run. My stepdaughter will be graduating with her nursing degree in May and I couldn’t be happier!
Absolutely agree, if you do not have family commitments (kids) then traveling is the way to go if you like to hunt and fish. Can minimize costs and pick your home base which could consist of a storage shed and small apartment then everything’s covered as far as when you travel to go to work. Time your time off during hunting seasons. If you are willing to endure relative hell for 8-9 months you could likely pocket a years plus salary working 50-60 hour weeks and then have the entire September, October , and November off to cash in on draws in multiple states

that being said… not a good reason to go into it. If healthcare isn’t for you , you will burn out quick and patient care will suffer and could harm someone. But a valid perk if your passionate about it.
Nursing has a high turnover for a reason. Piss poor hospital management is a large part of it. An entitled and poorly informed population that fails to understand that death is a natural part of life is another part of it.

It has its moments that are amazing, but it has far more frustration. I have thought about changing carriers to get out of healthcare, but financially and family life wise it does not stack up favorably and family is what I consider most important, not work satisfaction.

Nursing school is also pretty bad, not because of the content, but because of the culture. I almost changed my degree during my BSN, but told myself it was just school. Turns out the gatekeepers actually reflected the work culture well. I took Chem 1 & 2 and physics 1 & 2 for fun, and people in nursing classes would ask me to explain things after class, so I don't feel I was the problem.

I will not say don't do nursing, you might find a job with great management that you love. However, I also would not recommend the field to anyone.
If nursing is a calling and something you always wanted to do, I would highly recommend it. If you are going into nursing for any other reason, you are making a mistake.
I think that is sound advice that applies to any career field. If you're doing it just for the money, it'll be a tough career. And just when you're supposed to start reaping the big money, you'll be so sick of the job, you'll be looking for a new career. Wasted time and effort all around.
I am coming up on two years. There are some real high points if you can handle it. Get plenty of time off. I have 16 days off right now.

Better have a thick skin. Covid messed everything up. Huge numbers of very skilled nurses are leaving critical care due to burnout.