Anyone here deal with back pain???

You guys have tried everything except making your back stronger. You can't stretch your way to a stronger back, you can't strengthen "micro stabilizer muscles" independently, you can't lose weight and run your way to a strong back, etc etc. Most likely your doctor doesn't know how to fix it either, and he damn sure won't recommend lifting heavy things (which is the only way you get stronger).

Starting Strength is the correct answer. If you've tried everything to no avail, read this:

My back is stronger now at 43 than ever and the back pain and bulged disc issues I had at 30 are gone and a complete non-issue now. I don't ever even consider back pain anymore unless I read one of these posts. And I can do whatever I want and lift just about whatever I want without ever thinking about it.

TLDR? You're a human therefore you will have back pain. The only method that works every time is making the back strong.
Pilates works wonders. Strengthens the core and about every other muscle group in your body. Don't knock it if you've never tried it. Combine with yoga for 30 minutes every day and you'll feel 10 years younger after just a few months.
I have scar tissue from multiple stress fractures on my lower vertebrae and have had disc issues that all press on nerves and cause muscle imbalance. The only thing that works for me is to stretch daily and be consistent in the gym, 4-5 days a week lifting heavy to build strength. Core strength is key.

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Use the chiro as the preventative. Once the spasm hits it's too late for them.

Get a bottle of flexeril and some hydrocodone 325's then in a few weeks start working on the core.
Exactly what I am currently using: flexeril and hydrocodone 325's when needed. Don't need any addictions though and you have to be careful about dizziness and drowsiness when operating equipment. Also exercising and getting ready to lift weight but not there yet. Fixed the problem once in same manner but stopped stretching and lifting weights problem came back at the worse time. It was a long and very painful walk back to the truck.

Lot of good information on here! My thanks to the OP.
I started using the Teeter Dex II machine and in just a few weeks, I have seen a major improvement in my back pain. It’s almost gone. It lets you decompress, but I think it’s the back extensions that have saved me. The back extensions get really deep into the lower back and glute muscles. Seems to be a game changer so far.