Anyone here deal with back pain???


Apr 6, 2020
Fort Collins, CO
Chiropractor here.

That was an informative thread to go through. A lot of good information/first hand experiences. My best advice for finding a good chiropractor (there are plenty of bad ones) is to find someone who wants to discuss/teach rehab exercises with you and that will spend more than 5 minutes with you to do some soft tissue work. I perform dry needling, Graston, and deep tissue stretching that provides a ton of relief. If any chiropractor tries to make you sign up for a long term treatment plan and pay up front. Run the other way. There are plenty of good Chiros out there too. Try to find a Chiropractor that focuses on Sports Medicine or CCSP (Certified Chiropractic Sports Practitioner). These Docs usually do more than just a quick 5 minute adjustment. Feel free to reach out to me if you are looking for a referral in your area and I will try to find you a good Chiropractor (I can usually tell by spending 5 minutes on their website)


Feb 12, 2014
I've had some back issues since a beach incident 5 years back. A big wave up-ended me and I tore my AC ligament and my back has been out of whack ever since. Just recently, I've been having a burning/stinging sensation between my shoulder blades and the constant need to pop my back. Also, I work up one morning last week and my entire left leg was tingling. Never had that but it was better the next day after going to my chiro.

I just started going to PT and started going to the chiropractor again and I believe they do help. What has really been helping is stretching and I also just bought a foam roller. I work 12 hour shifts and stare at computer screens all day. I've been trying to utilize my stand up desk more instead of sitting all the time.

I've saved some of the videos posted in this thread. I believe they will help. I've never stuck with working out in a gym but I may have to suck it up.


Aug 20, 2020
Two-time herniated disc here resulting both times from heavy deadlifting (since permanently removed from my training). Lower back pain is part of life now. I’ve found mine is at its most manageable when I’m on top of my running and core work.

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Feb 15, 2018
Been having back issues since my 20s. Ruptured or herniated disc in every region of my back. I seem to go on quarterly cycle. I will strain something be in intense pain for 2 weeks with numbness in arms or legs ( depends when I hurt it this time) then 2 weeks of slightly less pain. Then 2 months of achy pain to varying degrees. Somewhere in those 2 months I'll feel like I can do stuff again and BAM. I screw up another part of my blown out back... And the cycle repeats....I have found the only thing that takes the pain away to a decent degree is gett ing hammered drunk...other than that, welcome to the party 🤷.
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Sep 4, 2018
Voltaren helped me get back into the elk hunting game. I had 2 herniated discs and a bulged one in my neck and thought my elk hunting was over as well as other more physically demanding parts of my life. Tried a lot of things and chiropractor, nothing changed, in fact the chiro made things worse.

Went to a pain specialist doc and he prescribed voltaren(now over the counter) and it has made diy elk hunting possible again.

Didn't read this whole thread, so I back what anybody else has said about voltaren if its already been said.

I've used it for other inflammation pain and it has helped with that as well.


Sep 11, 2020
Cannot believe what core strength training does for my lower back. Some chiro helps me as well. My chiro is big into core strength and gave me several exercises to do....huge help. Only go see him when I throw my back out. Core strength is huge for helping with my lower back pain.


May 9, 2018
Voltaren helped me get back into the elk hunting game. I had 2 herniated discs and a bulged one in my neck and thought my elk hunting was over as well as other more physically demanding parts of my life. Tried a lot of things and chiropractor, nothing changed, in fact the chiro made things worse.

Went to a pain specialist doc and he prescribed voltaren(now over the counter) and it has made diy elk hunting possible again.

Didn't read this whole thread, so I back what anybody else has said about voltaren if its already been said.

I've used it for other inflammation pain and it has helped with that as well.
Voltaren is amazing stuff. I have a busted up knee - tore multiple ligaments and cartilage. Now I am bone on bone. It has made a huge difference.

Regarding back issues, I broke c5 and c6 twenty-five years ago. It is fused and arthritic. Sometimes my neck doesn't hurt and sometimes it is damn near debilitating.


Oct 29, 2019
So I've had lower back issues in the past but have been seeing a chiropractor regularly and doing strengthening excercises for my back to reduce the chances of any issues while hunting.

I spent most of Monday and Tuesday doing maintenance on my truck and yesterday afternoon my lower back caught and went into major spasms. Immediatley went to the chiro and got on ice and ibupropen, but am sitting here now looking like the hunchback of ND trying to get it to let go. Meanwhile, the rear diff is drained and the cover is off, and I need to button things up from the belt change and still change oil and trans fluid. My plan was to leave this weekend but that is up in the air.

Does anyone have any tricks that might expedite the healing? Maybe a shot (whiskey included), stretch or something to move this along???
I deal with it all the time only thing that helped me was double h boots


Dec 12, 2020
Really good advice throughout this thread. All of it.
I've had chronic lower back pain that is debilitating at times and mixed in muscular spasms around the shoulder blades for 20 years or more.

The difference maker for me has been strengthening the core as many have mentioned along with light exercise.
I say exercise for me because I loathe stretching, can't do it. Walking, climbing, light weight work.

One other post mentioned tennis ball. This has been a savior for me. Whether it's just a muscle spasm or lower back is out, lay or sit with the tennis ball putting pressure on the sore area(s). Really helps along with ice/heat.
Aug 22, 2019
I'm only 20 years old and I have minor back trouble. I'm only 5'7". Rarely do I have trouble with the bones, but I often have roped muscles that hurt when I try to work. I have plenty of meat on my back but I can't figure out why it gets knotted up so often.
Do most of y'all have bone problems (slipped discs etc.) or muscle problems (roped or knotted)?

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AK Shane

Dec 14, 2012
I've been dealing with a low back issue for 20 years. I did a lot of damage to my back in high school and college going heavy in the weight room and delivering appliances. I have a degenerative discs that's always slightly bulged and I've herniated multiple times. Two years ago a doc wanted to fuse my spine. Given that fusions are only 40% effective in stopping the pain and commonly create issued elsewhere, I said Hell No.

I started seeing a physical therapist and going to a good chiropractor. I also started doing some reading and research. The first thing the phys. therapist did was put me on a two week stretching program because the flexibility in my hamstring, quads, and hips was terrible. The increased flexibility was a big help. Then lots of core stabilization and hip/core strengthening. Also, the education from the phys. therapist on what to do and why to do it was extremely valuable.

In doing research, I learned that aside from a tramatic injury, most back pain is generated from an issue further up the spine. Everything compounds down. I found this true in my case. I have a spot further up in my mid back, that everytime is gets tight and starts to ache a little, shortly after I'll start having increased problems in my low back. I get the mid back spot under control and the low back issued drop off. I always thought its was my low back causing the issues but that was not the whole story. Sure i've done long term damage to my low back but keeping my mid back healthy does as much, if not more, for me to keep my low back issued under control.

I keep up on the stretching and core exercised, even two years later, and have cut my back issues by 80%. Education and core strengthing have kept me away from the doc for the past two years, outside of an occasional trips to the chiro.

Athlean X, shown above have some good back videos. Dr. Bergman, on YouTube, has a lot of good information that changed some of my thinking for the better.


Dec 8, 2018
Thanks for posting this video. I've been dealing with this issue for over a month. This is spot on what I needed.

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It took three sessions but has really worked well for me and do 3 to4 times a week and keeps the really bad pain away. I do 50 bridges too each time as weak glutescontribute to back pain. Beats taking meds. Walking helps a lot too and yoga. Good luck
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Dec 8, 2018
I'm only 20 years old and I have minor back trouble. I'm only 5'7". Rarely do I have trouble with the bones, but I often have roped muscles that hurt when I try to work. I have plenty of meat on my back but I can't figure out why it gets knotted up so often.
Do most of y'all have bone problems (slipped discs etc.) or muscle problems (roped or knotted)?

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These help or a lacrosse ball. Use on a hard floor to get deep into muscle



Dec 19, 2020
I’m 33 and had a severe l5s1 discectomy in March. Pretty much zero pain since the day of surgery. I had been dealing with it for several years, but it progressively got worse. I was always actively stretching, exercises, and making regular chiropractor visits. I finally had to have it repaired because the pain got so bad and I couldn’t get relief. I’m back to all normal activity without restrictions. Including working as a power lineman and lifting weights. I have really tried to focus on specific stretches as well as core strength since my surgery.

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Aug 19, 2017
It took three sessions but has really worked well for me and do 3 to4 times a week and keeps the really bad pain away. I do 50 bridges too each time as weak glutescontribute to back pain. Beats taking meds. Walking helps a lot too and yoga. Good luck

I sit all day at my desk at home. Started doing 30 min of yoga daily about two weeks ago. Has helped. I'll add this in and get back into the daily walk/ruck. Thanks again.

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Dec 8, 2019
Rolling out my hamstrings, glutes, and low back with a foam roller always helps prevent low back pain for me. Between hunts and workouts, I always plan to get a deep tissue massage once a year to help relieve any really bad knots as well.
Jan 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
I recently saw a licensed massage therapist and she helped me more than anybody or anything else had gotten close to. It wasn't at all what I thought a massage would be, she just does weird stuff with your limbs and presses on spots and pulls you around and all the sudden you feel better. Core strength is definitely where it's at for maintenence but if you get in a bad way try to find an LMT that focuses on sports medicine.

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