Anyone here deal with back pain???


Apr 10, 2018
Eastern Shore
Strengthen your core muscles and the rest of your body with weight lifting, yoga/stretching/foam rolling to keep yourself limber and flexible, and cardio to reduce the amount of mass your frame is carrying around.

^ Did wonders for my lower back
Aug 1, 2017
East bay Ca
I broke my back in 4 places and live with the 4 vertebraes crushed in my spine. It happened 10 yrs ago when I rolled my truck down a hill 300 ft. I have to go to back Dr appointments every week but I’m able to manage the pain! Your problem is a common one and will get better. I will say from experience, to get away from a chiropractor immediately and start acupuncture!! I was very skeptical about it at first but it’s amazing!! They will also hook electric up to the needles sometimes which really can help. Would be great for your issues. Would really help your spasms caused from muscle!! Good luck


Mar 16, 2016
League City, TX
Chronic neck and back pain for most of my life here...

Unfortunately chiropractors are (usually well meaning) quacks based on pseudoscientific woo who, as was stated above, are better at billing than actually doing anything beneficial.

But then again real doctors just want to prescribe pills when you have back pain so there doesn't seem to be a way to win this game for us.. :-(

I have found that being active tends to help the pain and the only time I'm always pain free is when I have a pack on in the woods... go figure lol


Nov 3, 2013
Yes on the back pain. I have been to doctors, physical therapy, and taking med's to deal with it but The one best thing that has helped me lately is the Keto diet.The Keto diet keeping the sugars out of your body help with inflammation.


Nov 6, 2013
Same here. My low back was/is trash. I could barely make it through the day at my desk without crushing a few ibuprofen. I jacked my back up working in the field but my activity kept it strong. I took a desk job and getting weaker made it flare up really bad. Started going to the gym 5 days a week a year and a half ago with loads of squats/lunges/planks/deadlifts, I have almost zero back pain ever. If I do, it’s activity induced. Roll on a tennis ball, lay on your back and twist your knee across your body, and hanging from a pull-up bar have helped me get over the minor pains. Good luck man.
100%, get stronger. Lose weight, and keep active. 65lbs down, 2 rear end wrecks and because of what i learned in pt, I'm a beast in my core.

Also short term, do some accupuncture. Does wonders. Do not have surgery if at all possible.

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Mar 16, 2016
League City, TX
Yes on the back pain. I have been to doctors, physical therapy, and taking med's to deal with it but The one best thing that has helped me lately is the Keto diet.The Keto diet keeping the sugars out of your body help with inflammation.

Low carb paleo/almost-keto changed my life several years ago! I'm back on the train and I can't recommend enough giving it a shot! It doesn't work for everyone but if it does work for you then its the shit!


Oct 10, 2016
Fort Worth, TX
Thanks again for all the input. I will have to look into acupuncture. The wife put us on the keto diet recently and that, plus hiking, is how I've lost the 25 lbs.
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Jan 22, 2014
Gulf Coast
I have horrific, debilitating spasms from time to time.
Probably related to an old Football injury in the form of a
slipped vertebrae. Been dealing with a mild episode the
past two weeks, seems to be getting better.
I think stress agitates it.


Oct 10, 2016
Fort Worth, TX
I have horrific, debilitating spasms from time to time.
Probably related to an old Football injury in the form of a
slipped vertebrae. Been dealing with a mild episode the
past two weeks, seems to be getting better.
I think stress agitates it.

FLAK, sure hope it goes away soon. Especially if you have hunts planned. I'm doing everything I can to calm mine down. What really pisses me off is that I was doing everything right in an effort to avoid this in the first place.


Jun 18, 2014
Unfortunately chiropractors are (usually well meaning) quacks based on pseudoscientific woo who, as was stated above, are better at billing than actually doing anything beneficial.

I'll have to update my business cards with this eloquent and obviously well informed opinion...

Modern chiro uses the manipulation as a gateway into rehabilitation, which serves as a gateway into strength and conditioning. The problem comes when people work under the assumption that when the pain is gone, the back must be "well", and fail to progress into the rehab and then strength and conditioning aspects (people are pretty much motivated by pain and when it's gone, so is the motivation to spend the time, effort, and money to actually solve the underlying problem). Not surprisingly, the condition then returns and the cycle usually continues, somewhat indefinitely... If you happen to go to a chiro who believes that adjustment is the only necessary component to get a back "well", find a new chiro IMO.

Say you have an electrical problem in your house that causes a fire. What do you do?

Step 1: call fire dept, to put out fire
Step 2: call electrician, to fix electrical problem
Step 3: call contractor to fix fire damage

If we only put out the current fire and don't fix the underlying problem, it's just a matter of time before we have another fire... Conversely, it's hard to fix the wiring when the house is still on fire.

So, in back pain:

Step 1: Reduce pain/symptoms (chiro, acu, med's, pt, etc... Different things work for different people)
Step 2: Restore function (this is the rehab part, teach the body to move more efficiently and to avoid injury mechanisms/patterns, hip based movement patterns and proper bracing are worth knowing and practicing)
Step 3: Rebuild strength with appropriate exercise selection and intelligent loading strategies.

Just like it's hard to fix the wiring when the house is on fire, it's difficult to teach the body to move well/better when there is significant pain in the picture.

If you only complete step 1, you're going to be completing it repeatedly, and with age, you can expect the condition to worsen throughout the 4th and 5th decades of life, and then usually get better and the spine naturally stabilizes itself (arthritis).

And... all of that does nothing to help you current situation in the immediate short term... Call the fire dept...
Jun 7, 2018
South Carolina
FLAK, sure hope it goes away soon. Especially if you have hunts planned. I'm doing everything I can to calm mine down. What really pisses me off is that I was doing everything right in an effort to avoid this in the first place.

Thanks again for the AGC Harness. For some further input from a former Clemson athlete, the gateway to a strong back is strong legs. Work your lower body and then core 2x weekly. And as I stated above, and no offense to 307, weight loss, rest, NSAIDs will help in the long run. But I’m no MD as you know. Talk to your GP and see about referral to a PT.

If you have questions about tick borne disease, please ask me, as my recent Doc-in-the-box Experience proved that DVMs know more about zoonotic diseases

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Sep 10, 2014
ive found that when my back gets sore this video for stretchign with ice and rest has really helped me out.


with regards to spasms and crippling pain, i get that too from time to time but never have anything in my legs so i know its not spine/disc related. i discovered the culprit of my lthis for me was a tight gluteus medius. doing a myofascial release with a lacrosse ball does wonders for loosening things up.


i stopped wasting money on chiropractors and just figure everything out from youtube, theres a ton of great stuff on there


Oct 2, 2014
Chiro did wonders for me, my posture was the main issue with mine I believe and my hips were out of whack. I am always in good shape so that wasn’t the issue.

I have recently had great luck with cbd oil and China gel for some tendinitis in my elbow, not sure how much it would help your back?

Also being a runner I tend to have tight hamstrings, stretching them out and also stretching the psoas muscles helped a bunch!

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Dec 11, 2017
I was in pretty bad car accident as a kid and have been seeing a chiropractor just as long. I stopped going during high school and issues came back really bad in my mid 20s. It was so bad I would pull my bow back and everything in my shoulders and neck would tighten up for weeks and then finally one day relax. I had to go back to chiropractor 2-3 times a week for about 6 months to get my back in decent shape. I now go about every 3-4 weeks. I do still have issues with my back though, mostly as the Doc says 'ribs pop out.' They can push on it most times and you can feel it pop back in. I've also found ice helps a lot and also muscle creams like BioFreeze. I try to avoid Ibuprofen, but it does help take out the inflammation and get those muscles to relax and if I was going into a hunt and needed to be better I wouldn't hesitate to take it.

I also try to reduce my consumption of processed sugars as much as possible and it is amazing how well I feel when I've laid off sweets. Check out inflammatory versus anti inflammatory foods. I really try to avoid the inflammatory foods a much as possible. Unfortunately alcohol is inflammatory and though it does help dull pain temporarily, once it wears off it isn't helping.

I also like rollling my back on these guys. : LuxFit Extra Firm Speckled Foam Roller with Online Instructional Video (Blue, 18-Inch) : Sports & Outdoors


Mar 16, 2016
League City, TX
The foundation of chiropractic is based on pseudoscience (if it can even be called that) made up by a "magnetic healer" who claimed to have cured a guy's deafness by popping his back and who used sceances to create his "science"

I'm not making this up.

Daniel David Palmer - Wikipedia
Chiropractic treatment, a $15-billion industry, has its roots in a ghost story

***Daniel David Palmer, the "father" of chiropractic who performed the first chiropractic adjustment in 1895, was an avid spiritualist. He maintained that the notion and basic principles of chiropractic treatment were passed along to him during a seance by a long-dead doctor.

"The knowledge and philosophy given me by Dr. Jim Atkinson, an intelligent spiritual being ... appealed to my reason," Palmer wrote in his memoir "The Chiropractor," which was published in 1914 after his death in Los Angeles. Atkinson had died 50 years prior to Palmer's epiphany.

Before learning of spinal adjustments from a supernatural entity, Palmer spent nine years as a practitioner of what was known as "magnetic healing," in which he would diagnose and cure ailments by manipulating a magnetic field surrounding the patient's body. ***

Take all that for what you want but if you are going to go to a chiro then I would print this out and ask your chiro if he agrees with it.

Chiropractic Referral Directory Guidelines

The are some musculoskeletal that can respond to chiro treatments but if your chiro starts rattling off about vertebral subluxation being the cause of all sorts of other diseases and that he can cure you of the flu by popping your back then RUN.


Jul 17, 2012
Use the chiro as the preventative. Once the spasm hits it's too late for them.

Get a bottle of flexeril and some hydrocodone 325's then in a few weeks start working on the core.

This. My chiro fixed me up and now he's preventative. And my chiro gave me exercises and stretches to do. So he doesn't just crack my back. In fact, my preventative is him adjusting where my body tells him to. He'll fix pain if I have it. But I look forward to my visits now. I'm in and out if less than 5 minutes usually. Like was said, shop around and find the right one. Not just a "crack your back" guy. My parents go to a "crack you back" guy and I wish they could go to mine. There's a guy in Maui that they go to when they are there that they love. Everyone that goes to this guy swears by him. So if anyone goes to Maui, let me know, and go check him out.

Also, krill oil. I buy some almost $50 bottle of krill oil from my chiro, but it helps within a few days. I don't take it all the time. Just when I need it.

I don't know what it's called, but there's a small joint in your lower back that I will sprain sometimes. It's something that moves like a millimeter and if it moves 2 it's sprained. Something like that. Anyway, when I sprain mine, it hurts like a muscle. Before going to the chiro, I would rest for a week for it to go away. Now I ice it, pop krill oil for a few days, and go to the chiro if need be. Gone in days.


Jun 18, 2014
jspradley, I think you and I would agree on this topic much more than we would disagree, but I think your evaluation/criticism is slightly off the mark.

I'm sure a lot of things that were conceptualized in 1895 would sound ridiculous today... I'm also certain that many of the things we think in 2018 will seem pretty absurd in 2118. Care to dissect the practice of medicine in 1895 compared to today??? Humors, evil spirits, blood letting??? Surely you don't think it's reasonable to compare two completely different eras in science/healthcare and measure them against each other from today's perspective.

I will full admit, though, that there are a few (very vocal) fundamentalists who seem to believe that science stopped in 1895 and the origins of chiro are "gospel". Most of the chiro profession has moved on, thankfully.

And while I, personally, am in line with the guidelines posted, the author is a biased hack with more agenda than information. Even so, the theme is somewhat useful to decipher whether you have a evidence based modern chiro vs. a fundamentalist chiro though I think he (Barrett) carries it a bit too far.

Sorry for the thread derailment... I hope everybody finds a method of treatment that works well for them (lots of things "work" for step 1) and can get back to hunting ASAP. (Which is where I'm headed tomorrow).


Mar 4, 2012
Delta Junction, AK
I've lived with an LL5 injury for 20+ years after a nasty fall off of a roof. Once the spasm starts, hard drugs are the only relief.

You can do much with strengthening the core, controlling your weight, PT, etc....none of that is going to get you or your truck on the road this weekend.


Nov 7, 2012
I also have dealt with this. Strengthening your core in general for sure is the answer. And I hate to be the guy to say it but, YOGA!! 3 times a week for 45 minutes and all lower back issues disappear. Now if you actually have a disc or spine injury that changes everything. But nerve issues in the lower back is almost always lack of core strength to support that spine. Good luck getting ready for your hunt. But future strengthening will help eliminate most those issues.