Anyone familiar with hunting public in Mississippi willing to share some info via PM?


Feb 17, 2018
Hi all,
Looks like my wife and I are planning to visit a friend and colleague of hers in Mississippi in early december to hunt for a couple days in the Delta area near-ish to Jackson where he is from. We are thinking of driving down and adding a couple days onto the front of the trip to hunt elsewhere in the state. I see some various public options along our travel route and have skimmed the MS regs, but if anyone is willing to share some general info about different regions of the state and what we are likely to find there in terms of hunter density, deer density, type of habitat, etc would love to discuss via PM. I'm happy to reciprocate if anyone is interested in visiting northern New England to go bird hunting, bass fishing on lake champlain or other nearby areas, or visit the deer-hunting mecca of Vermont (that last part was sarcasm, but the offer stands! :))

I'm also trying to decipher the draw hunt system on state WMA's, as its not clear to me if these are "open access" or if they are draw-only to hunt them, or some combination of that. I've poked around the state website but a few of the links have me confused. Same question for NWR's and army corp land.

Thanks in advance,
Sep 16, 2021
You can PM me. I am outside of the Jackson area and can help navigate it. I don't hunt much public anymore, but know enough from when I used to. You're too late for the draw hunts, but basically some of the state run WMA's and the fed's NWR's have draw hunt periods and the rest of the year is bow only on some. Like certation NWR's have a rifle and muzzy hunt and the NWR is closed except for the draw winners. After the draw hunts are over, they are open to bow only. Same with some of the more premium WMA's. There are some national forest lands that are run by the state that aren't draw specific and follow the state season. You'll need a WMA permit or for NWR the correct NWR permit. PM me your questions and I can help you navigate it.