hunted WA elk since 1967. But 90% on the eastside of Cascade mountains/PCT. Know my choice hunting area very well.
Western WA is the "wet" side, eastern WA is the "dry" side.
Wetside land access; Hoof rot is a big issue on the wet side. And the use, spread of biosolids is a controversy, along with land access. Trend of private timber companies, you need to buy $250+ access permit/gate key and is only good for vehicle driver and immediate family (spouse, children). So you and friend each need a motor vehicle access permit to hunt together in same vehicle. But you can hike, bike or horse in behind those gates for much less $.
So access on the wet side has changed a lot in the last 10 years.
Still good access on the dry side, per national forest access. May need a statewide discover pass ($30) if entering/crossing DNR lands, even on the Nat'l forest areas. Wolves are the problem on the dry side last 3 years and getting gradually worse. Also heavy impact on mule deer cougars too.
check regs for limitations. but basically eastside is general spike only for rifle season with cow, branched bull permits available in limited number. In 30 years applying for "any branch bull" permits, I have only drawn 3x, last in 2006. But filled those 3 tags with respectable bulls. Couple hunt partners didn't fill their branch bull tags the last 4 years. You will not see many 275+ points or more scoring bulls, unlike AZ, NM...unless you view the winter feed lots in Jan-February. And then only a few bulls in the 100's of elk present.
Wetside is usually 3pt min, but again check the hunting regs each year.
typical elk terrain is mostly forested, east or west side.
IMHO, very crowded, elk are pressured heavily from Sept thru end November by various seasons; arch, muzzle, rifle seasons.
2018 Non-resident fees: general season OTC elk $497, then purchase elk "lottery" applications for cow, any branched bull $111 each, submit apps deadline usually in May. Total all 3 options: $719.00
Hunting with a good friend, priceless perhaps?
I much prefer elk hunting in other western states. But outside of ID & MT, hard to draw AZ and now NM almost impossible for non-resident draw.
I dream of hunting NM-Gila again, darn those you tube vids.