Anyone ever flew with their frame pack as their "personal item"?


Sep 14, 2019
Like the title says, anyone flown with their frame pack as their personal?

I've driven to hunt out of state but never flown. I think I'm going to fly back out to Montana for a week with my rifle since I sadly didnt punch my tag during archery.

I planned to check my rifle, take my carry on with a week of clothes, and take my Stone Glacier with an X curve frame as my personal. I know it's a little bigger than a regular backpack, but surely it can be shoved under the seat in front of me?

I really dont want to take another check bag just for my backpack and extra clothes. I'm already as nervous as a wet hen about checking my rifle/suppresoor and ammo because I've never done it.
Most airlines stipulate 18x14x8 for personal item size. Must fit under seat. Don't know if you could pull that off or not.
On deltas website they dont explicitly list a size. Below is the copy and paste directly off their site for personal item criteria.

I know I may be reaching a little on the small part but they dont list dimensions and I'm almost positive I could get it under the seat with no issues as long as I dont put much in it. Thats why I'm looking for feedback from anyone who may have actually done it.

Bringing a personal item? Pick an item like this or of a similar size to store beneath the seat in front of you during your flight.

  • 1 purse, briefcase, small backpack, camera bag or diaper bag
  • 1 laptop bag (computers cannot be checked, unless directed to by security)
  • 1 item of similar or smaller size to those listed
Pffft. Anymore, some of the carry-ons people bring on are huge, and they'll have two of them. This is the primary reason I hate flying in general. I've had to stick my regulation carry on under the seat so another passenger could squeeze two larger bags in the overhead.

Worst they could tell you is it doesn't count and you'd have to check your carryon at the gate.
Pffft. Anymore, some of the carry-ons people bring on are huge, and they'll have two of them. This is the primary reason I hate flying in general. I've had to stick my regulation carry on under the seat so another passenger could squeeze two larger bags in the overhead.

Worst they could tell you is it doesn't count and you'd have to check your carryon at the gate.

good point. I guess that really would be the worst case. Check my rolling carry on and use the SG pack as my carry on.
I would NOT, under any circumstances, want to check a bare hunting pack. Even at the gate. WAAAAAY too many loose straps that WILL end up getting cut when they get stuck in the baggage carousel.

I'm really trying to avoid checking a full size suit case. I was going for rolling carry on, frame pack, rifle case

No way in heck would I check my bare bag. If it came down to it, I'd take my frame pack for the carry on and check my rolling carry on. Again, just prefer to not check more than needed. I already hate checking my rifle, but the only alternative is shipping it prior to leaving and that seems even more dicey.
Yep, caribou in 2009. Placed knives, etc. in either my rifle case or clothing/gear baggage that was checked.

Was running the J107 then as well.
I’ve done it several times. Last time I did it Alaska airlines made me and my wife check them at the gate on our return flight bc they were “too big”. They didn’t charge us for it and that’s the first time in 6 or 8 flights where it’s been a problem.

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I've used my SG with the Krux frame as a "carry on". I think I even did it all the way to NZ. I believe I put my binos, hunting boots, and a change of street clothes and hunting clothes in just in case my clothes didn't shot up. I did bring a computer bag also so the SG wasn't really my "personal item".

You could always ask to gate check your clothes bag and just carry on your SG pack. Problem with flying into MT is the airports are small and normally smaller planes so I have seen them be a bit more picky on items (at least into BZN)
When I had to fly all the time for work I would take a duffel for my carry on or personal item. It's fairly big, probably 36" long and I never had an issue. I've seen guys with hunting packs on planes as well. If all else fails and you get a douchebag that's going to make a thing out of it, then you could always gate check it and it would be alright.
Sounds like you’re trying to be one of the people who makes boarding/getting off the pain in the ass that it is. Check a bag. I wish the airlines would actually enforce carry-on rules. I’d probably fly more. I don’t get it- the cost of checking a bag is well worth the cost just in not having to schlep extra crap through the airport and on and off the plane.

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I've taken my exo 3500 as a carry-on on dozens of flights. I got pushback a couple times on short flights in other countries, but usually they will check it for free at the gate or let you through anyway if you're polite to them.

That said, I couldn't imagine trying to take a full size pack as your personal item. I guess you could keep your feet on top of the pack for the whole flight, but they state that it needs to be all the way under the seat in front of you during takeoff, and usually flight attendants come through to check this.

The other option is you can be the a-hole that puts 2 bags up in the overhead bin, but not the best strategy in my opinion.
I've flown with my stone glacier 6900 three times as my carry-on. I didn't have much in it and just sucked it down tight.
Sounds like you’re trying to be one of the people who makes boarding/getting off the pain in the ass that it is. Check a bag. I wish the airlines would actually enforce carry-on rules. I’d probably fly more. I don’t get it- the cost of checking a bag is well worth the cost just in not having to schlep extra crap through the airport and on and off the plane.

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I fly pretty regularly and I’m certainly not “one of those people that makes it more than a pain in the ass”. I just haven’t ever done it with hunting.

My problem isn’t with the cost at all bud. The problem is that I have had my fair share of stuff mishandled, bags delayed/not transferred, and even stuff stolen out the top of my check bags by airport workers. I’d rather that not be my expensive optics or any hunting gear/clothes I can’t easily replace. I’m going on a limited time frame and don’t want to lose a day(much less days) waiting on a check bag to show up or going to town buying stuff I had when I left my airport.

Delta is certainly better than some others and I’ve become pretty loyal to them for that reason, but I’d still prefer to keep anything i possibly can with me. Obviously no alternative there on my rifle, suppressor, and ammo, but it is what it is.