This appears to have a twist.....
I've found a few camps cashed in the never occurred to me to mess with them.
Whatever happened to the "Do unto others....." rule?
Why would you do that? Hopefully the guys weren’t out hunting for the day.
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I’ve thought the same. I mean could u not make an argument that you felt ur life could be in jeopardy if u came back to camp and everything is gone and a storm rolled in?It would seems the worst possible people to steal from are armed individuals in the middle of BFE who may be coming back at any moment. I guess I have been giving criminals too much credit for their forethought.
Doesn’t seem clear: did this fella take down a set up camp or find a tent in a stuff sack in the woods?
That's sad.Buddy of mine up in Wyoming pulled his camp this year before season because there stealing camps left and right up there he said and for the last 20+ years he’s set it up after the snow melts off in the high country and doesn’t pull it until the the end of season. Times are changing...