Any tips for ingrown toenails?

I used to suffer from this and had several removed as a kid. Met my wife and she said to cut a V in the middle of my toenail. I thought she was nuts but when I feel an ingrown nail starting to hurt I do that now and it seems to prevent it from escalating.

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Get it professionally removed by a podiatrist. When i was in high school i git them all the time from wrestling shoes and would do them my self but it only lasted temporarily.

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Orthopedic surgeon did mine. Killed the nail on the sides. Still have a nail in the middle. Both big toes. He was a family friend and forbid me from going to the local hack podiatrist at the time. Did it in the ER. Yeah the shot hurts like a MF’r. Yes it does. Worst part of it.

If you have it continually surgery is the answer. The continued scare tissue just makes the nail keep growing under. At least that’s how I had it explained. My son had one and went to a podiatrist who took care of it. Never had another one.