Any tips for ingrown toenails?


Apr 11, 2020
I lost both toenails skiing last season, one of them grew back fine but the other is ingrown and was super infected after 2 days of hunting early season. I keep it clean with alcohol and peroxide and pack the edge with cotton. I’m going back into the mountains Sunday and was wondering if anyone has some tips to take care of this thing at camp. Thanks.
Go to a podiatrist and have it removed man. I struggled with that about 12 years ago. Had it removed. Grew back. Went in-grown again. Went to a specialist and had it permanently removed.
Skip the general physician and go to a specialist. It would have saved me a couple years. I’m not saying you need to perm remove yours but get a pro to look at it and make a game plan. Good luck,

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Hate those things, Keep it clean.
My son had his narrowed down on edges by a foot doctor, no problems since.
Not just a camp fix but works really well in general.

Key is to lift the nail plate (edge digging into the nail fold) away from the nail bed. Small piece of gauze (not cotton). Roll it into a tiny ball ~ 1.5 mm. If you leave a tail all the better (picture a comet) because it makes it easier to remove. Gently, it will hurt, wedge that ball between the nail bed and the ingrown portion of the nail plate. You're not jamming it far back at all. Just enough to lift the nail edge away from the tissue.
Change that once or twice daily until pain free. Trimming the nail back further may give quicker temporary relief but it only prolongs the ingrown toenail.
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If it becomes chronic you may need a wedge resection or as others have stated a permanent fix (phenol matrixectomy). The latter doesn't have to be done by a podiatrist. We do them in our urgent care and they are very simple.
I fought ingrown toenails for a long time, I'd go in and have it trimmed back and it would grown ingrown every time. After about the 5th or 6th time getting it cut out I went to a podiatrist and had the edge removed so it wouldnt grow again. Best thing I could have done.
I used to have them but narrowed them myself by filing in, then pushing the skin back underneath them over and over again. Haven’t had issues in 25 years.
I have fought ingrown toenails since I was a little kid in my big toes. Many trips to the doctor, cut the side off, trim this, cut that. A few years ago I was at the podiatrist with another one and told him to remove it. BEST move ever. Dont need it!
I dig mine out and cut em. Last usually about 2 months before I have to do it again. I don't let it get to the point of having to go in for it.

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I have done 100s of ingrown toenail removals.
Use a small needle and inject lidocaine slowly it's not terrible. Some will ad bicarb.
Most common complaint is burning and pressure.
podiatrist for sure!! find one that doesnt let you me on this.
Watched my son's procedure, well part of it. Sounded like a horror movie, new it would be bad when I saw the shot in the toe, I hate needles. Ended up nauseous and in the bathroom sweating bullets. Had to call the spouse to come pick us both up.
I've seen many gross things but that made me physically ill.
His toes have not been a problem since.
+1 to everyone who recommends a removal surgery. Had both my big toes done 15 years ago and it was a lifesaver. Granted one nail is kind of miniature now but I've never had an ingrown nail on them since. I'd do it again in a heartbeat

I don't remember it being particularly painful, but I didn't watch either
Everyone here is spot on. I had ingrowns for years. This is my first season after having both big toe nails permanently removed by a podiatrist. It has been a lifesaver. I wish I wouldn’t have put it off so long.

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Had one once. Went On way too long suffering. Finally had it removed by a doctor and I can still remember thinking to myself later that night how stupid I felt waiting so long to get it taken care of. I’ve never had another issue with it.
Watched my son's procedure, well part of it. Sounded like a horror movie, new it would be bad when I saw the shot in the toe, I hate needles. Ended up nauseous and in the bathroom sweating bullets. Had to call the spouse to come pick us both up.
I've seen many gross things but that made me physically ill.
His toes have not been a problem since.
My doc felt the urge to offer commentary:)
guess i am another ,soak em for a while.lift em up and cut them with heavy clippers guy.maybe they were no that bad then.
was'nt there a backpacker that had them all removed,or is that just an urban legend?