This buck is above, but I like the before and after of him. 83+ B&C. I watched him from April - September and shot him on the archery opener in 2003. The only year I've skipped elk hunting to hunt a goat.
Most are from MT. One from AZ, a couple from SD, and some from WY. My favorite place in MT has been ravaged by winters and EHD so I'm now a meat hunter with my boy. It will take a decade of easy conditions for the goats to come back to where they were in 4 years ago and earlier. I really enjoy hunting antelope and looking at everybody else's photos here.
The very first goat I posted above is one of my favorites. He scores 85+ and I had a couple darn close calls during archery season with him. Had I taken him during archery he would have exactly tied the MT state #1 P&Y buck, taken by a friend of mine 20 years earlier. That goat had a 6th sense. Coulda, shoulda, woulda..