Antelope bullet

I've shot controlled expansion bullets at pronghorns for decades for that reason. Mostly partitions, accubonds and now the Hornady GMX. Since antelope are small, I do not wish to waste meat on them.

The Hornady ELD-X out of my 6mm Creedmor last year expanded worse than my varmint bullets. It's been replaced with the 90 grain GMX for this year, assuming by some outrageous amount of good luck I draw a license.

Controlled expansion is the way to go for meat hunting.

I used to think the same way until I had a few run further after the shot than they should. I'm a lung shooter and am comfortable donating the rib meat on antelope to the crows. Even when catching some shoulder meat I haven't lost more than an accubond would have damaged on the way through. Maybe I'm lucky but today's bullets are all pretty good at doing what they say. The Berger hunters I'm currently using in my 6.5 enter about 3" before expanding rapidly. I keep that in mind when selecting shot angles that are favorable. Not being a horn hunter, I'm only in it for the meat and have tried several options. If I were to load a lead free bullet for antelope it'd be a hammer, cutting edge or possibly an lrx.
We've killed a pile of them with bergers and eldms, they die pretty easy most of the time.

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It'll work but it wouldn't be my first choice for thin bodied antelope unless you're shooting for bone. If you need a Barnes bullet, the LRX would be a better choice. Fragmentation is a benefit I enjoy when shooting antelope.
Thanks for the insight.
Ive had extremely good luck with accubonds. Nosler balistic tips tend to blow up if you hit a bone from my 270. Barnes ttsx would be my second choice
So this year is my second year hunting antelope. Last year I hunted with a 30-06 with a 150 grain bullet I was lucky enough to get a Antelope doe. But the 150 grain bullet put a little bit of a bigger hole then I expected. Does any one have a better bullet for a 30-06 that may not have as hard of a punch but will still put down an antelope.
A 165 partition through the ribs works for me.
Goat.jpgGoat 2.jpg

This is a goat taken with an -06 @ 326 yards with a 178 ELDX. Needless to say the heart was no longer in tact. Very little meat loss at all. I took 2 Goats and 2 Doe Mulies last year with that round and it performed flawlessly.

This year I'll be trying out the Accubond LR's, I'll post up the results.
I shot a buck and doe last year with Federal Terminal Accent 175 grain for my 308 and had no issues with meat loss. Shot my buck at 75 yards and doe at 275 yard.
It'll work but it wouldn't be my first choice for thin bodied antelope unless you're shooting for bone. If you need a Barnes bullet, the LRX would be a better choice. Fragmentation is a benefit I enjoy when shooting antelope.
You will be happier with the Nosler E-Tip in the 25-06 than with the Barnes. IMHO, Barnes TSX bullets are too hard for a deer bullet in most rifles.
Most any bullet will kill a pronghorn. The question was how to end up with minimal meat damage and for that, it's controlled expansion.
Call it what you want but my wife shot 2 pronghorn at 30yrds last year in screaming wind with my 300win, 215 bergers 1 in the shoulder and 1 in the cage, surprisingly minimal meat loss on both.
Planning on a 100 grain TSX out of my 257 Weatherby,,,,,if Wyoming grants me a tag.
I've killed two antelope with a 22-250 and Sierra Blitz varmint bullets. They die quickly with that high volume cardiovascular system.. But the issue again is meat damage, and a bullet that always gives controlled expansion is what I have seen to be the best.
With ammo and components so hard to find, I’m stuck choosing between two options for my pronghorn hunt this year. Shooting a 280ai. I have some factory Nosler 160gr AB ammo and also 168gr Custom Competition bullets for handloading. Thinking I’ll use the factory ammo. Anybody disagree with this logic?
With ammo and components so hard to find, I’m stuck choosing between two options for my pronghorn hunt this year. Shooting a 280ai. I have some factory Nosler 160gr AB ammo and also 168gr Custom Competition bullets for handloading. Thinking I’ll use the factory ammo. Anybody disagree with this logic?

That's what I'm using for WY Pronghorn this fall. Did just fine on an elk and multiple whitetail. My 280AI shoots the factory Nosler 160 AB under an inch so I'm happy with it.
That's what I'm using for WY Pronghorn this fall. Did just fine on an elk and multiple whitetail. My 280AI shoots the factory Nosler 160 AB under an inch so I'm happy with it.
Good luck! I’m also headed to WY, eastern. First time hunting pronghorn so I’m pretty excited. Good to know you’ve taken an elk with this bullet. I’m planning for a ‘22 elk hunt in MT and was thinking I’d use use the 168gr ABLR, but really 8gr isn’t likely to make much of a difference.
I’m planning on taking my 300 Wby this fall with 168 TTSX’s loaded to 3300 FPS. The last antelope I shot with 150 grain Hornady SST’s provided less meat damage than I expected. The other guy in the group shot a 264 win mag with cup and core bullets and it left an impressive exit wound.
Don’t run my undies up the flag pole here, but….

Has anyone used a 350 legend for antelope?

As a flat lander from MI, my wife and I will be out in October on a type 2 tag. At 4’11” tall, she has been shooting our much more compact 350 legend (160grain) better than my full size .243 which I plan on using.

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