Another one bites the dust- poacher style

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho

From our friends over at

Probably the best buck to come off the Hoback in years and sure enough, poached by Nate Strong. The investigation is over and he's admitted to the crime. Story here:
Sucks that such an awesome buck fell victim to such a POS. Could have been a great reward for an honest hunter.
What an awesome deer. What a great mount. Too bad that some slimeball took it.

It will look good in a Fish and Game office for sure.
I hope they crush him in court. He was supposed to be a role model for local youth, doesn't look like he was doing a very good job.
What an idiot! I saw pictures of this buck taken in a neighborhood and said how long till that buck gets poached. Guess it didn't take too long. Luckily for him the fine wont be bad and he will lose his hunting rights for a couple years. They need to hammer pieces of crap like this guy with huge fines and jail time, but it never happens.
What an idiot! I saw pictures of this buck taken in a neighborhood and said how long till that buck gets poached. Guess it didn't take too long. Luckily for him the fine wont be bad and he will lose his hunting rights for a couple years. They need to hammer pieces of crap like this guy with huge fines and jail time, but it never happens.

Hi muledeerfanatic,
I can't think of any "neighborhoods" on the Hoback, unless you mean summer cabins?
I can't see this as an honest mistake. He had already shot one buck, used a whitetail license on this buck over a month after the mule deer season ended. He then knowingly hauled the buck across state lines to get it mounted, then put it up at a sportsman's expo. That shows he had no regrets for it. People do make mistakes, but people do not glowingly show their mistakes off.

I would forgive if it seemed to be an honest mistake, like someone trying to put some meat in the freezer with the wrong species of deer. But not when it is a trophy that many attempts had been made to hide the instance.
Mistakes are mistakes, regardless if the person did it intentionally or unintentionally. I hope he can learn from this and be better for it.
I hope they absolutely hammer this guy. It's pretty typical for these guys to get a relatively small fine and lose their hunting privileges for a couple years. I think if they start really making these guys hurt it would make them stop and think about poaching anything.
Lol. That took some major balls to take him to the expo. He will never forget getting caught. I'm sure he will learn his lesson. Forgive and get over it. Great job by the locals.
Lol. That took some major balls to take him to the expo. He will never forget getting caught. I'm sure he will learn his lesson. Forgive and get over it. Great job by the locals.

No joke. The balls on that dude. If shooting the deer could have been enough he could have put it in his house and enjoyed it everyday and never gotten caught. Had to brag to the world. Isn't the going penalty 20 years loss of license?
Robby I do not believe this was a low country buck. The pictures I saw had him on his migration route after the season. Hoback ranches could very well be along his migration route from the high country. Hoback ranches is not exactly low country. It is kind of a cabin community.