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- Feb 19, 2019
Zeus Broadhead Review.
Before I go on with the review I would like to say I am not sponsored by any broadhead company, everything was purchased at my own dime (except Vandiemans they sent me a test pack when I bought 6 of the 225s). Also when I made these videos I didn't have the time nor equipment to make one long continuous video. Between my schedule and my buddies (he has the equipment) it just did not happen. I wish I could make a video like that but I tried to get together what I had.
Background of why I wanted to test these? The main reason I wanted test these was because of the claims that were stated. Such as follows "Out penetrating the competition" and "outlasting competitor broadheads".
So the testing began. I ordered 3 100 grain (when they had the presale) and 3 125 grain (the standards MSRP). I also had some elk bones shipped in along with buying some fresh cow bones.
In regards to the initial review I have people ask me to compare it to a broad head of the same weight vs me comparing them to say a 200 grain Cutthroat. So I bought some 125 grain grizzlystik Redline Massai. So I already have roughly $300-$350 in this test.
Cost of broadheads:
- Zeus current retail $54 for three
- Grizzlystik redline Massai $50 for three
(None of this is counting shipping)
The first three 100s I shot were into fresh cow bones. Two were glancing shots and one was a direct impact. The glancing shots either bent the ferrule or broke it. The direct impact completely "blew up" the broad head. Pictures below.
The two 125s were shot into the same elk bone. When I bought these bones they stated they were elk femurs. If it is an elk femur than its a pretty small elk, which leads me to think it was a humerus. Granted if anyone has ever cleaned/butcher a decent size elk the humerus are bigger than what is in the video. One broadhead was a glancing blow that bent the ferrule and the other was shot twice into the elk bone. A glancing shot then a direct impact. The Zeus 125 completly shattered the elk bone but granted this was on the third hit so I honestly do not know if the bone had some fractures.
The Grizzlystik 125 grain Redline Massai completely blew through the cow femur with very minor damage. With a slight bend in the ferrule.
Final thoughts:
The Zeus will kill no doubt about it. But one thing about the design of the broadhead is that it seems to have a high tendency to bend at the ferrule. Granted these are extreme tests but I have shot a few other broadhead that have fared well in the test.
In the aspects of durability. Do I think they will outlast other 125 grain broadheads in the same price range? Well that all depends on the broadhead. Broadheads like a 125 grain GS Redline Massai, 125 grain VanDieman, 125 grain Cutthroat, 125 grain Bone, 125 grain Exodus, 125 grain VPA. No I do not think a Zeus will outlast any of these heads listed but if I was going to shoot a Zeus it would be the 125s. I do not know why the 125s did better than the 100s but of course that is the nature of the beast when shooting fresh bones. The 100s were on a 500 grain total weight arrow and the Zeus 125s were on a 685 grain (if i recall) total weight arrow. Also the GS Redline Massai was on a 685 grain total weight arrow.
For roughly $54 plus shipping I think there are more durable broadheads out there in roughly the same price range. At least in my opinion, but they do work they kill animals but so does a lot of other heads. So that is where you would decide if this falls into the criteria of what you are looking for in a broadhead.
Pictures and videos as follows.
I know I posted the 100s a while back on here but I figured I would add them again to wrap up the full test.
1.) Zeus 100 with a direct impact on bone
2.) Zeus 100 glancing blow on bone
3.) Zeus 100 glancing blow on bone
4.) First video Zeus 125 being shot into elk bone twice. The first shot I honestly do not known if that is where it hot or not.
5.) Spin test on both the Zeus 125 broad head. I know of the first broad head spin test I stated the blade did not go back forward. Disregard that.
6.) Grizzlystik 125 redline Massai being shot into fresh cow bones.
7.) Is the GS Redline Massai after the cow femur impact
8.) GS Redline Spin test.
The next broadheads I am going to shoot will be Ozcut Hurricane (3 Blade single Bevel), VanDieman ( Single bevel), another Ironwill 150 I have, and a friend is going to give me a few Rage Trypans to shoot into some cow and elk bones. After that I am done for a while unless some broadhead test until elk season is over.
Before I go on with the review I would like to say I am not sponsored by any broadhead company, everything was purchased at my own dime (except Vandiemans they sent me a test pack when I bought 6 of the 225s). Also when I made these videos I didn't have the time nor equipment to make one long continuous video. Between my schedule and my buddies (he has the equipment) it just did not happen. I wish I could make a video like that but I tried to get together what I had.
Background of why I wanted to test these? The main reason I wanted test these was because of the claims that were stated. Such as follows "Out penetrating the competition" and "outlasting competitor broadheads".
So the testing began. I ordered 3 100 grain (when they had the presale) and 3 125 grain (the standards MSRP). I also had some elk bones shipped in along with buying some fresh cow bones.
In regards to the initial review I have people ask me to compare it to a broad head of the same weight vs me comparing them to say a 200 grain Cutthroat. So I bought some 125 grain grizzlystik Redline Massai. So I already have roughly $300-$350 in this test.
Cost of broadheads:
- Zeus current retail $54 for three
- Grizzlystik redline Massai $50 for three
(None of this is counting shipping)
The first three 100s I shot were into fresh cow bones. Two were glancing shots and one was a direct impact. The glancing shots either bent the ferrule or broke it. The direct impact completely "blew up" the broad head. Pictures below.
The two 125s were shot into the same elk bone. When I bought these bones they stated they were elk femurs. If it is an elk femur than its a pretty small elk, which leads me to think it was a humerus. Granted if anyone has ever cleaned/butcher a decent size elk the humerus are bigger than what is in the video. One broadhead was a glancing blow that bent the ferrule and the other was shot twice into the elk bone. A glancing shot then a direct impact. The Zeus 125 completly shattered the elk bone but granted this was on the third hit so I honestly do not know if the bone had some fractures.
The Grizzlystik 125 grain Redline Massai completely blew through the cow femur with very minor damage. With a slight bend in the ferrule.
Final thoughts:
The Zeus will kill no doubt about it. But one thing about the design of the broadhead is that it seems to have a high tendency to bend at the ferrule. Granted these are extreme tests but I have shot a few other broadhead that have fared well in the test.
In the aspects of durability. Do I think they will outlast other 125 grain broadheads in the same price range? Well that all depends on the broadhead. Broadheads like a 125 grain GS Redline Massai, 125 grain VanDieman, 125 grain Cutthroat, 125 grain Bone, 125 grain Exodus, 125 grain VPA. No I do not think a Zeus will outlast any of these heads listed but if I was going to shoot a Zeus it would be the 125s. I do not know why the 125s did better than the 100s but of course that is the nature of the beast when shooting fresh bones. The 100s were on a 500 grain total weight arrow and the Zeus 125s were on a 685 grain (if i recall) total weight arrow. Also the GS Redline Massai was on a 685 grain total weight arrow.
For roughly $54 plus shipping I think there are more durable broadheads out there in roughly the same price range. At least in my opinion, but they do work they kill animals but so does a lot of other heads. So that is where you would decide if this falls into the criteria of what you are looking for in a broadhead.
Pictures and videos as follows.
I know I posted the 100s a while back on here but I figured I would add them again to wrap up the full test.
1.) Zeus 100 with a direct impact on bone
2.) Zeus 100 glancing blow on bone
3.) Zeus 100 glancing blow on bone
4.) First video Zeus 125 being shot into elk bone twice. The first shot I honestly do not known if that is where it hot or not.
5.) Spin test on both the Zeus 125 broad head. I know of the first broad head spin test I stated the blade did not go back forward. Disregard that.
6.) Grizzlystik 125 redline Massai being shot into fresh cow bones.
7.) Is the GS Redline Massai after the cow femur impact
8.) GS Redline Spin test.
The next broadheads I am going to shoot will be Ozcut Hurricane (3 Blade single Bevel), VanDieman ( Single bevel), another Ironwill 150 I have, and a friend is going to give me a few Rage Trypans to shoot into some cow and elk bones. After that I am done for a while unless some broadhead test until elk season is over.