Annoyed with the Colorado DOW


Oct 10, 2014
Well for the first time in my life since I've been able to legally hunt deer in Colorado (34 years), I won't be hitting the hills. Yes, I didn't draw a tag. And my father who has over 50 years hunting the same hills won't be hunting. Yes, he failed to draw a tag. I remember growing up when we could buy tags over the counter. Then they wanted to have a drawing because they didn't know how to keep track of the number of hunters. And after they started the draw, there were always 1000 + extra leftover licenses each year in this unit. Then thanks to the biologists who had no idea what they were doing when CWD struck and they decided to kill all the does and slaughter herds with helicopters. Then last several years I've been seeing the herds return and multiple bucks per day. Why the drop in tags? I guess the college educated biologists know better. And yes, I'm a little annoyed with the CDOW right now.
It would piss you off even worse if you look at how many they give away to nonresidents. I'm sure that comment will offend some folks, but oh well. Some hunt codes give up to 30%. Money racket. The DOW claims it's because those hunts are "undersubscribed" by residents...Look at the numbers, and you will quickly see that's a load of shit. On the bright side, I drew a nevada deer tag this year.
And just to be clear, I have no beef with tag quotas being cut when they need to be cut. Folks that know more about the situation than we do make those decisions. I only think it's the way the tags are distributed in some cases that needs to be corrected.
I definitely understand what you are saying! I came from michigan where i could hunt deer every year to out here where I can only draw a tag once in a blue moon. I drew a tag my first year as a resident ( thats how they sucker you in) this was in 2010... I just drew my second deer tag ever out here... I think its a bit ridiculous!

Im looking in to leasing land in NE or KS... possibly others...
You gotta have options in this game. If you expect to hunt the same unit every year, you're probably going to just keep getting disappointed. I've been hunting deer and elk in CO since 1980.
You can't be mad at the DOW for point creep. It's basic economics supply and demand. Now when they cut tags it is for the overall health of the herd. Just because you saw 2 bucks a day for your week long hunt doesn't mean that you are an expert and can say that the herd is in good shape and everyone deserves a tag.
Agreed. There are tons of leftover tags out there and tons of tags you can automatically draw. My uncle didn't draw his rifle antelope tag so now he is out shopping for a muzzleloader. Not drawing should never stop you from hunting
It would piss you off even worse if you look at how many they give away to nonresidents. I'm sure that comment will offend some folks, but oh well. Some hunt codes give up to 30%. Money racket. The DOW claims it's because those hunts are "undersubscribed" by residents...Look at the numbers, and you will quickly see that's a load of shit. On the bright side, I drew a nevada deer tag this year.

The unit I hunt is undersubscribed by residents, it is a 100% draw for residents (depending on weapon) and depending on how many residents put in really changes year to year making it a 1pt or 0pt unit for us NR. What chaps my ass is that they increased the tag allotment, I think they should of eithe kept it the same or reduced tags even if that means I couldn't draw.
You gotta have options in this game. If you expect to hunt the same unit every year, you're probably going to just keep getting disappointed. I've been hunting deer and elk in CO since 1980.
I agree. Tag quotas in the unit I normally hunt deer in have changed over the years and my draw strategy has had to change as well. Some years I can draw it as a second choice and bank a point or two. Other years They cut tags for a 3-5 year period and I have to put in as first choice. I also always have a backup unit as a 3rd choice that will be a 100% draw so I will at least get to hunt deer. It is a good plan in your home state to have 3 options that you know well. I have drawn a deer tag for 10 years running. I didn't get my elk tag this year so I will OTC archery hunt. First time in 7 years I haven't drawn a elk tag in the unit my while family hunts.
you have to look at the influx of people moving into co that now apply as residents. Co is down right crowded now. I grew up in the state and it is sad to see all the people moving in. I moved away a few years ago and am soooooooo happy I did. Also co offers over the counter elk archery and rifle tags. Just go chase a different animal or have a few other units for back up for deer. I have drawn a deer rag every year being a res or non. CO chases the $ but it allows a great opportunitY.