And yet again, another grizzly shot while charging hunter in Idaho

Man read my recent thread. I think there are a lot more close encounters that are never reported. I had two in three days in NW WY after not really taking it very seriously and then starting to wonder when that dude from GA got chewed on.

I have thousands of miles in the Alaskan backcountry and have been within a stone's throw of brown bears more times than I can count. Out by Yellowstone a few weeks ago was the first time in my life I've ever had a really bad feeling about both the number and disposition of bears.
Way more encounters than reported! A small fraction (just the ones that involve dead bears) make the news. I hunt and know a lot of other hunters that hunt the unit, and most of them have grizzly stories. I ran into my first this year, about 5 miles from this spot. Definitely have to stay alert these days!!!
I have hunted elk north of Yellowstone Park for 30 some years and bump into grizzly bears every so often. I had one pop his jaws at me and not leave at about 40 yards but the rest of them have taken off if it finds out I'm there. I've had an elk quarter taken by a grizzly and a few other experiences with them. They are impressive animals. I respect them but wouldn't hesitate to shoot one if needed.
I live in N Idaho and hunt in G Bear country in 3 states nearly every year. Frank Church, The Bob, and a few other spots. There are places in September where we don't even call elk anymore. We surmise that like a gunshot, the bears are learning to track the sound and come to it. Had a buddy on the back side of the park get charged and the bear actually did too good a job and ran past him down the hill and didn't come back up. He didn't know the bear was there until it was on him.
Lucky enough to only have 1 close call with a bear within 100 yards and luckily we were downwind and saw it first. After cleaning my shorts, we tracked our way out and let the bear do its thing. Luckily I have never had to make that call to defend why I had to kill a bear. Hope I don't have to.

I have seen maybe a handful of bears within 500 yards. I spoke with Game and Fish while in the belt mountains 3 years ago and the statement was "there are likely 2 or 3 times as many griz out there" than the surveys find. Until we have a season and manage the bears too, encounters could get even more western.
This sounds like a sporty encounter. Good outcome. Anybody know the details of what cartridge and load the hunter shot the bear with and where he hit it? I am always interested in information like that as I choose what to carry in the backcountry.
This sounds like a sporty encounter. Good outcome. Anybody know the details of what cartridge and load the hunter shot the bear with and where he hit it? I am always interested in information like that as I choose what to carry in the backcountry.
Yeah, good question. My buddy carries a tried and true 44 mag and I run the Glock 10. We both run Hard Cast bullets from Buffalo Bore - I tend to like mine for less kick and 16 shots.
Yeah, good question. My buddy carries a tried and true 44 mag and I run the Glock 10. We both run Hard Cast bullets from Buffalo Bore - I tend to like mine for less kick and 16 shots.

I have a Glock 20 and several .44 Mag wheel guns as well as a SRH in .454 Casull. I tend to go back and forth. There is no question the .44 mag hits harder, but the Glock holds more rounds. The big question is whether you are likely to get more than a couple of shot opportunities anyway.

The hunter is this story used his rifle, which assuming he was carrying something suitable for elk is going be a better stopper than any handgun. I have a 416 Rigby which would be my choice if I were hunting brown bears, but I would not choose it for elk hunting.
I have a Glock 20 and several .44 Mag wheel guns as well as a SRH in .454 Casull. I tend to go back and forth. There is no question the .44 mag hits harder, but the Glock holds more rounds. The big question is whether you are likely to get more than a couple of shot opportunities anyway.

The hunter is this story used his rifle, which assuming he was carrying something suitable for elk is going be a better stopper than any handgun. I have a 416 Rigby which would be my choice if I were hunting brown bears, but I would not choose it for elk hunting.
Agree. I do like my 44mag but I find it unwieldy in the field and that it gets in the way as much as is readily available.

If I had a tag, I would probably run my 375 for G Bear - really like the 416 Rigby and wish I had one. I do have a Colt Sauer 458 but that is a lot of gun. I keep my 470 double for Africa and dangerous game but I am going to use it for kinda the nostalgic effect on a Bison next month