Wow! That much snow down there. About 2” here.
Wow! That much snow down there. About 2” here.
I cinch bottom strap tight and put 2 25# dumbells on top and use the top strap to keep from moving around in my EXO.Those of you adding weight to your packs, are you carrying the weight at the bottom of the pack or getting it up higher somehow? I'm a new EXO owner and I see Steve talks about getting the heavier items higher in the pack. Just curious if you are all adding anything on the bottom to get the heavier items, sandbag, etc higher?
Yep, pretty varied down here. Just a couple miles south and only 1-2", and a few miles north and they got 19.5". If we'd gotten that much I'm not sure I'd have any trees still standing. Lost a LOT of branches with 1/2 dozen of those being big branches. Heck, we generally don't get even this much snow during the entire winter, let alone the end of May.
During the summer I'll load up my pack the way I hunt with all that water and stuff, and then I'll run and shoot the 3D and field courses.
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If you're going to do a true elk work out, get up at 330am, hike 5-7 miles with your pack, eat a Mtn House, hike back, work all day, do it again in the evening, eat another Mtn House and go to sleep on a hard floor at 10pm.