Amazon sil-poly / nylon tarps


Dec 7, 2014
San Saba, Texas
Does anyone have experience with the cheap $30-$50 Chinese tarps like the free soldier or wise owl brands.
Just looking for a lightweight shelter or something to lay meat on etc
I have a hard time spending $150 + on a name brand tarp that I’ll likely tear up
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I was wondering the same thing. I’m thinking about getting the AquaQuest Guide tarp for $110. I was looking at the Free Soldier tarp too, but I’m leaning towards the AquaQuest since it’s lighter.
I have the Wise Owl brand from Amazon and it has been a good tarp. It is heavy compared to some of the more expensive options out there but it has held up well and I am happy with it.
Since my original post I gambled on the free soldier tarp. The build quality seems pretty good for $38. However due to the packed size and weight I will likely be returning it and looking for something a little smaller/lighter.
I have the Wise Owl brand from Amazon and it has been a good tarp. It is heavy compared to some of the more expensive options out there but it has held up well and I am happy with it.
I have this one too - it's heavy but probably handles abuse better than the superlight versions. I've taken it on several hunts and scouting trips and it has held up well.


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I've used several. I think if you want a lighter weight though you are going to have to spend more. I have both of these.

This one has good tie outs for shelters, durable too. I little heavy, little big to pack - 10x10

This one has tie outs set up differently. Works good for hammocks. A little smaller, I think it weighs nearly the same as the 10x10 above. - 10x8

This is a minimal tarp - under 11 ounces, tie outs placed right - 9x5. I made one myself similar to this. I made it 10x5'8". It is the smallest I would go.

Check out one Tigris and one wind on amazon

Both are reasonable and get good reviews. Lot of good YT videos on both
Got this one a week or so ago and put it up in my yard to get familiar with it today. Lots of tie off points. Came in a hair over 2lbs, I think online it said it was 1.8lbs


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Does anyone have experience with the cheap $30-$50 Chinese tarps like the free soldier or wise owl brands.
Just looking for a lightweight shelter or something to lay meat on etc
I have a hard time spending $150 + on a name brand tarp that I’ll likely tear up
Check out Borah gear. They’re made in Montana and have one starting around $70. They also make some nice bivys at reasonable prices. The lead times are a 6-8 weeks but seems with it if you’re wiling to wait.

Went with the Kalinco for a moose hunt it was heavier and bulkier than my buddy’s expensive hilleberg it also held up well being stretched over a boulder in the wind. The hilleberg ripped


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Have used the wise owl for few years now. Has held up great. Most to get out of the rain and as a wind break.IMG_2778.jpeg
IMO id buy a cheap one and abuse it. Mark on it with a marker things you like/dont like and places youd like more support on it.

For my first sil nylon i built one for ultra lifhtweight.. it took a tree branch and i couldnt sew it properly.

I took all the things i didnt like about the first one and made it better (more guy out, ability to hang from top with ability to hang bug net inside, pole supports, etc)

Did it add a bunch of weight? sure
But now it can do way more than just be a tarp.
I have one of the Kalinco 10x10s, Mine came with a couple dime size holes in, but not really a big deal for the price. I just put T-Tape over them. It's a bit bulky as mentioned but has held up well to the elements and to lay meat and gear on while field dressing.

The cheap tarps are great for the kids to play with in the off-season to make forts too!
I have purchased the aquaquest tarps and they are good for what they are. If you take trekking poles with you, I would spend the extra money and get a Durston x-mid. The x-mid is about the same weight without the nest and it is going to give you much better protection and shed the wind better. The last time I used a flat tarp it was raining sideways on me. The tarp acted like a parachute and the stakes kept pulling out even with big rocks on them. After fiddling with it multiple times I made the walk of shame back to my rig in the dark. After that trip I sold all my flat tarps and bought the x-mid. I also have a cimmaron with wood stove, which I like as well. One advantage the x-mid has over Seek Outside is it will not sag as much when wet.