AMAZING Wall Tent Camp Set up!! Must see


Dec 5, 2014
Snyder Texas
Ok yall...I realize this is primarily a backpack hunting forum, but there was recently a posting about wall tents, which got me to thinking and looking around.

Over on youtube, I found this and starting watching the video. After the initial tent set up, you have GOT to see some of the stuff he adds to his camp. I was simply AMAZED!! Not something that could be packed in at all, but still worth the time IMO..For those with wall tents, Im sure there are some ideas to be had from this.....>LOL


Good Camp! - YouTube
Very entertaining. Not his first rodeo,but wonder how long it actually took to set up, and then all the pack the truck time too!
Yeah I thought the same thing....he must have some pretty good organization skills to remember everything when loading the truck before a trip too.

Of all the stuff I saw in the video, I really must say that I liked the Chuck box set up. I will be trying to view that portion a few more times to try and copy a set up like that. It was hard to tell if it all packed up inside the box or not, but if it did...I like it!
All that trouble and he uses that tiny coffee pot.

(I liked that chuck box as well.)
No sure it was an all day affair to get set up.

I want that chuckbox though! Great for truck camp or a basecamp set up.
I can appreciate that if you're living in it for an extended period of time but that took more time to watch than it takes to set up my current camp. Pretty jealous of the shower though, that's always one of the best parts of coming home after a week plus.

Now if I could convince my old man to go in early and do that.....
Seems to me that at some point it makes more sense to go with a travel trailer.

Agree. Even my converted 7x12 utility trailer stores all my "stuff" ,ready in a quick, hard sides and roof, with the eu2000 have a/c, can take either the harley or quad, on and on far better
That fella packs a ridiculous amount of stuff. Lol. I live quite comfortable in my wall tent more than six months out of a year with less than a third of what he's packing, and it takes me 3 hours to tear out. It must take him all day to pack that camp up. Pretty entertaining though.
You'd think that after 50 years of doing that, that he'd figure out that the first thing out of the back of the truck should be the tent frame and tent, and THEN bring everything else out of the truck. He's obviously never set up in the rain before.

He might go a little overboard (I don't need a table cloth, or pump water station, or shower, and I have no time for an oven) but functionally it's not unlike my setup. I just need my cot, pads, bag, lantern, 6' table, cook stove, tank top heater or wood stove, and I'm good.
He sets up his tent the same way I do- the tent part...tho mine is bigger. It takes about 20-30 min solo, complete with those internal frames:cool:
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Seems to me that at some point it makes more sense to go with a travel trailer.

Thats so much stuff it must take hours and hours just to pack the truck. Then think of all the hours it must take to do all that set-up. Does he really take a log splitter with him?
I have all the comforts of home in my travel trailer with no set-up. Everything stays in it all the time except food. Plus I don't have to worry about any kind of weather.

That is a very nice setup he has going on. He definitely was well organized to get that all in one trip.

Yet I am with Gr8bawana this is accomplished sooooo much quicker and easier with a travel trailer/camper/5th wheel. I think I have gotten to where I can get my whole RV setup in under 15 minutes. Most of that time is putting the groceries.
I agree with the camper set up. Takes maybe half hour or less to set up camp. Wall tents take hours! But it was nice to cook in and dry gear out this year

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I agree with the camper set up. Takes maybe half hour or less to set up camp. Wall tents take hours! But it was nice to cook in and dry gear out this year

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That set up is probably the ONLY way my wife would go along,... guess I'll stick to my hammock or a tent :)
I agree with the camper set up. Takes maybe half hour or less to set up camp. Wall tents take hours! But it was nice to cook in and dry gear out this year

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Bahhh I can get my wall tent set up in about 40 minutes by myself and less with help. That is just the tent and porch with the floor in.. the whole camp; with hot water shower, some firewood, and kitchen is a half day up and half day down. If you are using it as a base camp for three weeks it can't be beat.
Seems to me that at some point it makes more sense to go with a travel trailer.

We went with a wall tent setup instead of a trailer for bear and deer here in the NE. The deciding factors were we could take our camp any where a trk could go and much less worries about getting up and down the mountains with ice and snow storms.

I'll admit I'm jealous when I pass those rigs with the sat. dish on top.