I carry some and try them from time to time. But by the time I’m done working up an animal they are always ripped to shreds anyways. And I don’t buy cheap ones. With that said I have had a little wake up call with infections this year. I really like havalons but I’m known to stab/cut myself at least once or twice per animal as I’m usually working real quick. Nothing serious. Just little pokes usually. Well while doing a few elk and deer euros this last November I poked my finger. Didn’t anything of it. Within 2 days I had a gnarly infection. Fast forward almost 2 months later and I’m still on antibiotics, have had MRI’s, x-rays, ER visits, specialists, surgeons and so on. They can’t figure out why it won’t go away. They thought it was in the bone. Now they are worried about tendons. It hurts like crazy, super swollen and no mobility. It’s getting frustrating. I guess my point is I think I’m going to start to be more careful and possibly wear a more protective glove on my off hand.