Am I a jerk? (Read before voting)

Am I a huge jerk???

  • Yes

    Votes: 375 83.0%
  • No

    Votes: 77 17.0%

  • Total voters
Jan 16, 2018
BTW, OP is the same guy who claimed to be a SWAT sniper, but also posted this quesrion:

"Crazy (rookie) question. Does the rifle/scope need to be sighted to the shooter?"

Professional dumb question asker? Paid to generate traffic by asking dipshit questions? :)

I'd love a little bit of what you're smoking. Never in my life have I claimed to Be SWAT, a SNIPER, or even a great shot! I once asked a question "is it the scope or the shooter" is that what you're referring to?

To everyone else, I appreciate the feed back and had a feeling I was leaning that way.

As for the rules the mule deer rule will stand and as we have convinced many neighbors in our area to adopt the same rule. Unfortunately our mule deer population is on the decline and more unfortunate is people continue to harvest small bucks as they are an easy target. So we let immature mulies walk, there are 6 whitetails for every one mulie so it's easy to find on of them to shoot.

I suspect that if a big one walks out I would put I'm on it first, but this community is a great sounding board and I like to get some feed back.

I almost put "am I an ass hole" but I didn't know if the mods would love that!

To ease some of your minds, my kid hunts way more that I ever did at his age, and so far I have only backed him up. I appreciate everyone's comments and feedback!
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Jan 16, 2018
I wouldn't say you'er a monster. You just need to get your priorities in order. And remember, never ask a question, if you think you may not like the answer.

I asked the question kinda of knowing the answer, but I love to get others opinions on things to see where I'm at. The situations never come up in the field so I can't say how it would have played out, but I appreciate everyone weighing in.

Also in clarification as it seems some confusion, both my son and I have tags. If he's the only one with a tag he is the shooter regardless!
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Sep 23, 2018
This thought process just doesn’t make much since to me. When I started hunting,I shot some small bucks my first couple of years and I was happy as heck. You better believe I would have been proud as can be if I would have been able to get a big buck though. I know I personally would have lost a lot of the excitement if my dad was putting limitations on what I can shoot (especially if he told me that I can’t shoot it so that he can). If there are many instances like this, where he gets excited to shoot and you tell him that he can’t because it is too small or too big, he will most likely lose all interest in hunting. To each their own, but that’s my guess and opinion.


Dec 27, 2019
I think some of these guys are being too hard on you. We started off shooting does and pigs. Worked our way up to bucks. My kids will do similar I'm sure.


Nov 13, 2012
Not a jerk, but I think your second rule is somewhat misguided. It has a little flavor of selfishness. Part of being a dad is sacrificing some things. This seems like a perfect scenario for you to demonstrate to your son that he and his endeavors are of greater value to you than your accomplishments. Or you can do the opposite and demonstrate to him that your accomplishments are more important than him and his pursuits. Either you choose will send a message that will stick with you son.

It's not as black and white as that, but I think that's what I would boil it down to. I'd put my son's opportunities and accomplishments first and backburner my efforts for a while. My son is now 16 and that's exactly what I did for a few years (especially from 10 to about 14). Now he doesn't want to sit in the same stand/blind as me and I'm on my own again. I still try to give him the best spots and opportunities, but I seem to get my fair share of chances still.

Obviously you can choose to handle this however you want to. Don't forget that he'll only be this age once and that the messages you send him will stick with him forever. You don't have to make him the center of the universe who always gets what he wants (I can assure you my kids are aware that they don't always get what they want and don't simply deserve special treatment), but prioritizing your kids is a good thing IMO and the message it sends to them is important too.

All JMO above. Good luck!
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Feb 26, 2018
I voted yes, but it's a partial yes. I agree with letting the smaller bucks walk (if your son understands why you are doing that, if he doesn't let him shoot a buck he likes). I think where you are wrong is the size of the bucks and who shoots. If a good deer is in range and he has a good shot, let him shoot it. With a wall full of nice deer later in life, I bet he returns the favor some day!

If you set limits on what he can shoot with you, don't plan on him hunting with you later in life.


Aug 7, 2018
Upstate SC
I got invited to go shoot on some QDMA property. A hunt for veterans. I called them and asked if I could bring my grandson to shoot in my stead if the opportunity presented itself. They said bring him and we both could still take 1 each. They kept insisting for me to take one as well so we go Sat for this hunt. While headed to the range yesterday, my grandson mentioned he wanted to shoot a small one. I said "1 rule is no shooting a small one", just because that's my thinking and want to stress letting the small ones walk. Now I don't know what he considers a small one as he's never been hunting before, and I don't know how firm I'd be about that rule if we sat all day and a small one walked out at the end of the hunt, BUT, I was thinking even BEST case scenario, letting him shoot his AND mine would be something he'd NEVER forget. SURE I'd love to shoot a monster but I'd be his #1 PAP FOREVER if he shot both and the 2nd one was a wall hanger...

Tod osier

Sep 11, 2015
I voted yes, jerk on both accounts. :). My son has hunted a few years with me now. He basically always has priority in order to gain experience, I also hunt plenty at least 20 times as much as he does.

I thought about your number 2 with my son and came to the conclusion that I’d always let him try at a great buck if he could succeed. In the real world to me it looks like this. I’d shoot a once in a lifetime buck out from under him were he asleep on stand and I couldn’t wake him up without blowing the opportunity (he is not uncommonly seen sleeping) or if it was a shot he just couldn’t make for some reason. We have discussed it and he is fine with it.

love hunting with him and I’m my happiest when I do the right things to put us in the position to be successful as a team, him as primary trigger man.
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Jun 30, 2020
I asked the question kinda of knowing the answer, but I love to get others opinions on things to see where I'm at. The situations never come up in the field so I can't say how it would have played out, but I appreciate everyone weighing in.

Also in clarification as it seems some confusion, both my son and I have tags. If he's the only one with a tag he is the shooter regardless!
You handle criticism well. That's a good trait.
May 10, 2015
Yeah, you're a "jerk". Who's the kid, him or you?

Most parents I know want the world for their kids, including the best experiences by putting their own greed aside.

The reason he's okay with the "rules" is because he doesn't know any better yet and is just excited to get out and hunt. I never made those kinds of ridiculous rules for mine. It's their tag, their hunt. My ego is irrelevant, just like yours.

Pretty shallow to think you're owed something because you've spent time hunting and scouting an area you can't let your own kid benefit from.

You asked for it...
Jan 16, 2018
You handle criticism well. That's a good trait.
Haha at least one good trait.

Our deer season is about a week away, so I'm polling the audience to help guide me In case the situation arises I'll have a better scope on my selfishness.

In all reality the caliber of buck "above" the range I'm talking for him probably wouldn't present itself. But some solid feedback from others with kids is great to have.

With him having two buck tags and multiple doe tags he will be getting some shooting in.

I do appreciate everyone's honest feedback though! I kinda figured it would go this way, but it's fun to see people's thoughts.
Jan 16, 2018
Yeah, you're a "jerk". Who's the kid, him or you?

Most parents I know want the world for their kids, including the best experiences by putting their own greed aside.

The reason he's okay with the "rules" is because he doesn't know any better yet and is just excited to get out and hunt. I never made those kinds of ridiculous rules for mine. It's their tag, their hunt. My ego is irrelevant, just like yours.

Pretty shallow to think you're owed something because you've spent time hunting and scouting an area you can't let your own kid benefit from.

You asked for it...

Appreciate the honesty. I give him the world and due to things I've put in place he will have 10 times the opportunities I have had for big game hunting across multiple states. The majority of which he will be holding a tag and I'll be carrying his gear! My arbitrary rule on size is probably selfish and born of years of working towards a goal of getting an age class of deer on the properties we hunt. But I 100% appreciate your input! Have a great day.


Jan 17, 2018
St. Joseph, Missouri
I voted yes for this reason. If you cannot put your son first than something is wrong. I would love if my son shot a bigger deer than I did. I was there with him during the hunt. Those memories will last a lifetime and even longer when you are gone.


Oct 10, 2020
Well damn, I voted no lol.

1. Not shooting small muley bucks because lack of population. That just makes sense.

2. I think you worded it extra selfish than you needed to, but I got it lol. "I'm hunting for giants bucks and spending time with my son. He's hunting for experience and spending time with his dad." Sounds cut and dry to me. You didn't need the crappy explanation about putting time in and how you earned it and stuff haha. But good on you for getting him out in the field! Also, nobody appreciates things they haven't worked hard for. That includes little kids slamming giant deer lol.


Apr 8, 2020
Dumb**** might be a better word to use but jerk is ok to.
Think you should explain to him that mule deer numbers are low and that YOU will be picky with what YOU shoot. And let him make the decision on what he will take
As far as not letting him shoot a bigger deer than what you already have on the wall… Childish and petty will be the polite way to describe it.