Aloha from this FNGirl!


Aug 3, 2024
Aloha from Kalaupapa, HI!

My name’s Ashley, and I’ve been a lurker on rokslide for a while, 😀 Thanks for letting me join up!

I am originally from NH, grew up in GA, spent most of my adult life in WY (though I have spent significant time in MA, VT, MN, and CO), and about one and a half years ago, I relocated to rural Hawai‘i.

I lived for about a decade just a few buildings away from the Maven World Headquarters in WY, and absolutely love and miss the state. I plan to move back one day to stay for good!

I have always been surrounded by folks that enjoy hunting (Did I mention I lived in WY? 😂), but never had an opportunity to go myself. My dad is not an avid hunter (though he did hunt a little), and none of my brothers hunt. I was a volunteer firefighter for 5+ years and enjoyed listening to all of the planning, execution, and celebration and disappointments of my fellow firefighters’ hunts. I could not, for the life of me, figure out how to find mentorship to get started hunting.

I don’t remember how I found out about it (possibly WY Game and Fish’s publication, Wyoming Wildlife?), but I applied to be a part of the Wyoming Women’s Antelope Hunt (a part of the Wyoming Women’s Foundation), did not get accepted the first year I applied, but got accepted for this year’s hunt. I am beyond excited and grateful to have an opportunity to hunt Wyoming’s iconic pronghorn, especially with mentorship both in the field and afterwards with processing (if I actually bag a ‘lope, that is).

Anyways, all of this is to say thank you for all of the information shared in this space and for helping me to learn what I can about safe, proficient, and fun hunting!

Ashley ☺️


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 20, 2013
Eastern Utah
Welcome to Rokslide Ashley.
Antelope are fun critters to hunt for sure, good luck no doubt it will be a great time.

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Aug 3, 2024
Welcome. Get 'em outta the hide as quickly as possible, especially in warm weather.
That’s what I hear! Will do, and thanks for the welcome!
Welcome to Rokslide Ashley.
Antelope are fun critters to hunt for sure, good luck no doubt it will be a great time.

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Thanks for the welcome, realunlucky! I appreciate it!


WKR & Chairman of the Rokslide Welcoming Committee
Classified Approved
Feb 2, 2020
Scottsdale, AZ
As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new member, Ashley.


You Ashley, have been awarded the FNGirl ⭐for the day. Your most excellent intro is a good start for receiving this coveted award and then you are from Cow Hampshire and to make it even more deserving, you are a recovering Masshole. 🤣 And now you live in HI? Just excellent and welcome aboard.


May 2, 2012

I love Molokai! How did you settle on that island- it’s not the friendliest to the haole.

Great hunting and fishing on the island- excellent way to really get your feet wet with opportunities and hunting experiences.


Aug 3, 2024
As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new member, Ashley.


You Ashley, have been awarded the FNGirl ⭐for the day. Your most excellent intro is a good start for receiving this coveted award and then you are from Cow Hampshire and to make it even more deserving, you are a recovering Masshole. 🤣 And now you live in HI? Just excellent and welcome aboard.
Thanks for the warm welcome, Eddie, and for awarding me the FNGirl⭐of the Day! 🥲 I'm honored!

I just have to clarify that I never actually became an actual resident of Massachusetts (I attended school there for one year only), but since I was a resident of New Hampshire for nine years, I think I must have been formed in an amniotic sac filled with natural Masshole repellency that has prevented me from ever contracting the disease, :ROFLMAO:

I am in Hawai'i now and hope to go axis deer hunting sooner rather than later, but first things, first, eh?

Thanks again for the welcome!


Aug 3, 2024

I love Molokai! How did you settle on that island- it’s not the friendliest to the haole.

Great hunting and fishing on the island- excellent way to really get your feet wet with opportunities and hunting experiences.

Is your username a nod to the great green machine? If so, I love it! And if not, well, I'll still think of the big green tractors whenever I see your posts, 😀

You know, I love Moloka'i, too. I read a story about Father Damien when I was 13 years old (I'm 38 now), and from that moment, I knew I wanted to work down in Kalaupapa someday. It took until last year for me to make it happen, but I'm happy to say that I did it! I have had the great pleasure of visiting topside Moloka'i on numerous occasions over the years, and finally decided to make the move from the mainland last March. I started off by renting a condo topside for 6.5 months before I secured the job in Kalaupapa, but it made the transition fairly smooth. You are absolutely correct that this Friendly Isle is not the friendliest to the haole (I've experienced incredible discrimination, especially considering I have never been disrespectful of the culture), but I knew it would be this way coming into it, so I guess there's not much I can do about it except to continue to be respectful and give back to the community. I do like to jokingly refer to the condo I lived at topside as the "enclave of haole immigrants," though, 😄

I agree that there are great hunting and fishing opportunities on the island, but I have learned that here on Moloka'i, it's really all about who you know. (I guess that could be said in many places, but I feel like it rings true in a very particular way here.) Coming most recently from Wyoming, the very small amount of public land here makes venturing into the hunting world pretty daunting, but I'm considering going on a guided trip in October if I can't get permission to hunt down here in Kalaupapa itself. (I even live walking-distance to the shooting range down here, and I am not allowed to use it! It's moments like these that make me realize how good I had it in Wyoming in some respects...)

Mahalo nui for the welcome, JNDEER!


Aug 3, 2024
Thank you very much for the welcome! I’d love to hear all about your hunt story when you’re through—good luck to you as well!