All in one Best 7PRC ammo for Coues, Mule Deer, and Elk


Oct 14, 2023
I will be going to hunt in AZ and Colorado in the same month for AZ Coues, CO Mule and Elk. I will be using a 7PRC rifle and I wanted to sight in with one Ammo selection. I will try several to pick out just one. Any recommendation of ammo that will work for all three species? Or just what bullet weight is best. I know Hornady offers 160gr CX Outfitter and 175 gr ELD-X Precision Hunter

Thank you in advance
Check the Hornady Precision Hunter lot numbers if you shoot that and stick with the same lot if you can. I’ve been enjoying my 7PRC, but Hornady has been having problems sourcing components for loading for it. They’ve used different primers and different powders with different lot numbers that will give you different velo and points of impact at medium-long hunting ranges. My Ruger American will shoot Hornady ELDX sub MOA all day long (in the same lot numbers; have to check POI/velo when switching lots).

This was a 659 yard cold bore shot last week I’m particularly satisfied with:

I'm shooting Federal 170gr Terminal Ascent. Easily sub .5" moa out of my rifle and it will handle everything I need it to do.
Either the ELDm or ELDx just make sure to sight in and carry the same lot number. In my rifle I was seeing a 200fps difference depending on the lot with Hornady ammo. I think the CX is fine but I would limit the range to under 400 to keep the impact velocity as high as possible.

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Go with the Federal 175 ELDX. Fast and accurate. The Hornady has too much velocity deviation.